
Friday 12 March 2021

Weekly Wrap up 3/12/21--medical procedures

We had a great week as our oldest was home from college and we were all together, although Firedrake spent most of her time online with her friends:). She managed her first flight by herself with no issues.  I was the one who worried the most about her flying alone, lol.  She leaves on Saturday with her Dad to drive back to college with her car and my husband flew home on Sunday after getting her settled back in her dorm.  Firedrake and her college roommate have already made plans to room together next year and signed up at college already!  We are so happy she is doing well and thriving.

 We have some great news!  My husband after spending many evenings searching the area my Mother lives in, was finally able to secure her first covid vaccine appt. 2 weeks ago!  My husband received his first dose and receives his second dose this week.  While home from college, Firedrake and I both got our first vaccine dose!  Not a single person had any issues taking the first dose.   It is good to feel like progress is being made for the family and we can finally get out of our house!

MarioFan had to have his wisdom teeth removed  Friday and it was the first time he has ever done any type of real medical procedure!

Waking up from the procedure in which he was pretty cranky wanting water and chap stick.  It was pretty funny actually, luckily he doesn't recall any of it.

ON our way home before stopping to get a milkshake which the Nurse recommended at the dentist -- while he looks horrible here, his recovery has been very smooth and he recovered pretty quickly 

Lastly, our poor dog, Luna had to have surgery to remove a growth on her paw.  MarioFan had taken her for a walk a few weeks ago and the dog came back bleeding profusely from her back paw.  I rushed her to the vet where they found inflamed growth hidden between her foot pads that had somehow gotten cut.

What my car looked like after taking her to the vet.  Blood everywhere. 

The vet wasn't sure if it is a cyst or a tumor growth.  She needed surgery but had a wait due to a backlog of surgeries.   So she came home from the vet looking like this, poor dog, she was not very happy

I found keeping a bandage on her foot impossible so I sent my husband to the pet store to buy dog booties as it was suggested that that might help.  Also I wanted to get the cone off as she whimpered and looked so sad:(

Poor Luna hates her bootie but it made all the difference and she was able to stop wearing the cone of shame while we waited for surgery.

I had to change the bandages morning and evening and she had to wear this little bootie everyday!  At least she was no longer able to get at the foot and left it alone.

After surgery we brought her home and she looked so sad for a couple of days.  She did have pain meds to help but she was pretty needy for extra love and attention.  Which of course we gave to her.
Luna curling up on the sofa wanting to be near me on her day home from surgery

  Luna has returned to her usual self and we are still awaiting the biopsy's results.  Hoping it isn't anything more serious.  

 Lastly we lost another little pet:(. MarioFan's guinea pig, Marie, was found in her cage dead.  She was at least 7 years old and GP can live 6-8 years so it wasn't completely unexpected, but still sad for MarioFan

this picture is almost 5 years old

We still have Firedrakes' GP, Millie, and she is just as old so we aren't expecting her to live to much longer.  As a family we decided we were not going to get any more GP's as the kids are getting older and really don't have as much time to care and play with them.  We are making an effort to spend more time with Millie so she isn't lonely as GP's do better with a partner.  

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