
Friday 19 March 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 3/19/21 -- School and vaccinations

 It is an exciting time in our home and for extended family as we have all had our first vaccination! Some have even gotten their second dose by the time this blog is posted.  While we are still taking precautions, it is nice to be able to think that we might get back to normal and maybe even plan a vacation this summer!  Only MarioFan is missing the vaccination as he doesn't meet the age requirements at this time.  He is at the lowest risk so we should be ok.  It will be nice meeting up with friends again!

We had  to drive over 2 hours from our home in order to find a place that had appts. Firedrake got her first dose while home on spring break and she has an appt at her college town for the second dose, for the first week of April!  

MarioFan is taking his Chemistry class online and has finished the second part and is now taking part three which the teacher says makes this chemistry course more of an honors class for public high school.    We have been very happy with this online course and the experiments that can be done alongside the teacher at home.  I am considering doing this teacher's physics classes for MarioFan's Senior year, next year!

They are working Gay-Lussac's, Charles and Boyles Law

We used our Fondue hot plate for this experiment  so we had a bit of a problem getting it to work exactly as our hot plate switches on and off.

Even the teacher had a little bit of problem with this experiment 

we got so so results:)

They also did one with a soda can but we could get that to work at all so I didn't take any pictures!

Placed two mini marshmallows into a syringe 

Next he held the tip closed and pulled  the stopper out and watched the marshmallow grow larger.

For Literature we are in the process of reading Rudyard Kipling's book 'Kim', which is set in India and deals with British colonization and the Great Game (which is a period of that time that I do not know much about). Again I am changing the book that the Lightening Literature program suggested, which was Rudyard Kipling's book The Complete Stalky and Co.  which is more of a series of short stories.  I chose the book 'KIM' as it is considered Kipling's best book. 

 For his writing assignment he will be do another research paper on the British Raj in India.  he still needs to narrow down his topic a bit but he is looking through these books to see if there is a section he wants to research more and write a paper on.    

More books about the British Raj to look through

Some basic books to understand the culture of India and look at some of the places mentioned in the book

MarioFan is continuing to work on his soldering and electronic projects.  Recently he finished an electronic dice kit.  If this interests your child you can order projects from this site.

Found this kit at an electric store but it can be ordered online

I downloaded the directions from the web and we watched the video as well before getting started 

reviewing the parts

this was a much smaller board so it was a little trickier but it is all a learning process

since the components were smaller soldering was a bit trickier and we are still learning to use only a tiny amount of solder and to get it as flat and even as we can

Adding the based after completing the soldering and adding the electrical components

It works we now have an electrical dice!

If you drop it on the table it changes which lights lite up so you can use it as a dice for any game.  MarioFan learned quite a bit with this one.    

the next project is even more complex with even smaller components but he must challenge himself in order to improve his skill level. 

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