
Friday 5 March 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 3/5/21-- 11th grade

 We are taking next week off from school for spring break as Firedrake is coming home from college.  So this week we tried to wrap up as many loose ends as we could so we can just spend time as a family since we will all be home together.

MarioFan just completed reading a Charles Dickinson Novel

The literature program we are using suggested Great Expectation however I hated reading that book in high school so after doing some research we decided to read Tales of Two Cities instead.  

For his writing assignment MarioFan is researching the French Revolution and will do a research paper on the causes of the revolution.  Here are a few books I found at the Library.  He is not going to read them all only the sections that pertain to his research paper.  

Chemistry continue to be an online class MarioFan recently completing a limiting reactive lab

adding various amounts of baking soda to vinegar

Find the circumference and diameter in order to discover the volume of the gas produced

All of his online classes are taking next week off as well.  The only thing on the schedule for next week is to pick up our daughter from the airport and MarioFan has an appt to removed his wisdom teeth at the end of the week!  Poor thing:(

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