
Friday 22 January 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 1/22/21- Happy 19th Birthday!

 Firedrake turns 19 years old today.  She is at college so we had to make do with just a phone call.  College is saying no outside visits in order to keep the virus at bay on campus.  This is the first time we have not all been together on her Birthday.   We did send her a  gift to her at school. 

Before leaving for college we had a birthday dinner - she requested lasagna and red velvet cake:)
I bought a store cake and left it out on the counter and when I took it out of the box that evening  the icing on one side started to slide off, so if the cake looks a bit funny in the picture it is because I attempted to fix it:)

When my husband dropped her off at college he stopped by the college pizza place and bought her a gift card and told her on her actual birthday she can have a pizza party with her college room mates on us:)!  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIREDRAKE!!  We love you so very much.  We are immensely proud of you and the person you are becoming.  

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