
Friday 15 January 2021

Weekly Wrap Up 1/15/20 -- Mid Term assessment

 Usually around this time of year I try to do a summary of how we are managing in all our subjects and see if we are falling behind in any areas.  This is really just a way for me to keep track of things and assess if any changes needs to be made to our schooling!  Right now everything seems to be running smoothly.  There are only change being made which is adding a US government class as the Economic class ended December.  The Government class will be held online with the same teacher we had for the Economic class through Outschool.    I was very pleased with the layout and organization of this teachers class. 

Literature and Composition -- Continuing to work on British Literature, also working on grammar (easy grammar) and vocabulary programs (worldly wise)  

Just before Christmas break we finished reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.  We both really enjoyed this book.  I can't believe I had never read it, so I read along with MarioFan:)

In January we started reading the Silas Marner by George Elliot 

Having looked at my reading list of books, plays and poems I hope to have read by the end of the year we are doing pretty well but I have a feeling we will be going into the summer unless I wish to cull some of the reading materials.  There are just so many great books out there!  In addition to reading We work on writing essays, poetry and analysis of writings.  iffy-- if we plan to go into the summer or I cut back on some of the readings

Algebra II -- Working with Teaching textbooks and currently on lesson 64. I fully expect we will have this program finished by May or June at the latest.  On target

42 electronics -- Almost done with the fourth book series and building the roving robot!  I have hoped to have this done before Christmas but we only have one or two lesson to go in January.  Next up learning how to solder electrical components and we have several soldering projects to build.  Slightly behind

Right before Christmas break MarioFan made a track and his robot was able to follow the black line
Luna was very wary of this strange contraption:) Also I think the robot gave off a high pitch sound that she found very disturbing:(

Spanish 3 -- Continuing with our online tutoring and it is going well and I am noticing MarioFan is increasing his confidence in speaking Spanish which was my our goal.  On target 

Economics -- online class completed -- Completed grade given A

US Government -- on line class which just started last week on Outschool. On target

Chemistry -- online class, completed part 1 (grade A) and is now taking part 2.  On target

Sociology -- we are halfway through the book having just completed ch 9 before Christmas, I had originally thought this would be a 1/2 credit class and we could finished it by Christmas.  But we are really delving in to these topics and do additional activities so it means this will be a year long class so I may change it to a full credit class as we are already at the 60 hours and only half way through the book.   On target 

Piano -- continues with his piano tutor was suppose to participate in a sontina festival and a Christmas concert, both of which have been cancelled due to the covid.  On target 

NEW -- Driving simulator-- completed five lessons at the site and now he will begin studying for the drivers permit test which he hopes to take this spring! On target

Extra Curricular activities

Dungeons and Dragon club -- MarioFan is participating monthly with a club held online though our local library.

DREAM Big-- monthly club that introduces different job to students.  In December they met an architect and built a natures playground and learned about the all about architects.  I will do a post on it a bit later. 

This week Firedrake headed back to college, I was very surprised they went back to in school classes but here we are.  Firedrake is taking precautions seriously so she wanted to head back.  She will be taking five classes this semester at college: Japanese II, Creative Writing, Film/Animation analyses, Public speaking and Pre Calculus.  The only class she is worried about is the Pre Calculus class as Math is not her favorite subject!   We are strongly encouraging her to use the Math lab daily to help her not get behind in this subject. As for her first semester in College she earned 2 A's and 2 B's and 1 Pass.  She was very happy with her grades as were we as doing college classes online or hybrid is not easy.

So that is were we are with high school and college!  I don't feel too bad with where we are.  So we are just plugging along and since we still can't leave the house we have no distractions!  Firedrake's college intends to take a spring break so she will return home for a week sometime in March, the college is still deciding if they will have the students return to the school or complete the year virtually like they did for winter break.  Now that there is a vaccine maybe we can get this pandemic behind us and go back to normal living by summer!

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