
Friday 29 January 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 1/29/21-- Stain glass projects

 We took two weeks off at Christmas so I was able to do some work in my glass studio, I enjoy spending time down there.  I recently got a new soldering iron which makes things easier.  

Last year, a little bird flew into our house (I did a post on it) and it was trapped in our upstairs school room.  I propped open a window and it flew out, unfortunately that was the window where I was leaning one of my stain glass windows.  I didn't realized I hadn't securely shut the window and a gust of wind blow the window open and knocked my piece on the floor.  This is why you should always secure your stain glass pieces and not propped them up against a window.  

A corner piece shattered, luckily it was the only one but still a pain in the neck and a reminder to me that leaning a piece against a window is really stupid.  

Luckily I had one piece of this glass left and it was just the right size!
After talking with some people in my stain glass group I tackled the job of fixing it.  It took about an hour and I learned a lot as repairing is not my strong skill set.  

I found a set of grape corner panels that I had started working on years ago but never finished, not sure why.  Anyway I set about getting them finished and my husband installed them for me 

We hung them in the corner of our dining room which has a wine theme.  
Kind of hard to see but they're one on both sides.  I did discover that one of our walls is a bit lop-sided so it does not fit perfectly but I don't think you notice it too much.  

Next I have been working on a 16" Dogwood Tiffany style lamp for about a year (they always take me a long time to finish). I finished foiling it over Thanksgiving and then realized I didn't have enough solder so had to order some.  Over the Christmas break I finally got it completely soldered and for the first time got some light through it.  
I had to put the glass into the oven in order to remove it from the fiberglass mold
the heat melts the wax that is on the mold which holds the glass in place :)
first look with light shining through it.  
                                                                             Side 1 

side 2

side 3

This will be my new bedside light.  I plan on making another one but with white flowers which will be my husband bedside light.  He doesn't want any more pinks lamp shades lol. It isn't quite done as I still need a few brass components but they are on back order.

My husband had an old guitar he decided he no longer wanted and gave it to me to turn into a lamp!  I made one before a few years ago and always wanted to do another one.  

It is an old classical guitar and we didn't look up the value of the guitar until after we started cutting it up.  Oops, found out the guitar was worth about $200.  

My husband removed the top of the guitar and got it ready

I worked on a pattern.  

All done and our first look with some light coming through it.  

I used this type of LED lighting last time for my guitar lamp but I decide to try strip lighting this time around to make it even brighter

I am trying strip LED lighting

Not sure about it as I can see the lights too much.  Looking at ways to adjust it and make the lights less noticeable.

I have it hanging on the wall now and like the readjustments of the lights. 

I have already picked out my next two projects, one is my second commission piece and I am making my daughter a piece for her birthday, it won't be done in time but she knows what it is:). Also I am excited to have recently found a free drum set and will be attempting to make a drum light very soon.  Just need to find the right pattern for it:)

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