
Friday 1 May 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 5/1/20-- Week six of quartine

We made it through another week of home isolation.  We are actually in a pretty good routine right now.  A bit of cabin fever is starting to set in but we plan on holding strong a little while longer.  The Governor of our state has lifted some restrictions but the county/city we live in has put no end date for lifting restrictions.  The numbers in our area are still rising.  Even when things open up I plan on remaining out of restaurants, movie theaters, stores and anything else with large crowds of people for the foreseeable future, as I fully expect a second stronger wave to arrive.

We have had a few rainy days mix in with a few sunny days.  We have been taking advantage of the sunny days and spending more time outside.
We have grilled a few times and eaten dinner on the deck.  Just a cute pic of our dog, Luna

My husband and I enjoying some quiet time outside -- he is practicing his guitar.  Both the dog and cat love to be outside on the deck with us.
Luna having peanut butter in her toy, don't know why I have never done this before, but she loves it
We have taken the dog for a neighborhood walk daily but on Sunday we decided to try one of the trails near us.  Unfortunately everyone else had the same idea so it was a little too crowded for my comfort.  Luckily I did bring my mask with me.

Luna on the watch out because she spotted a snake!
Actually we think she stepped on it as seeing it flinch is what made us notice it.  Luckily it didn't bite the dog and we think it is a harmless water snake.  but we weren't sure.

It was quite big!

We are still having trouble finding cleaning supplies in our area.  So my husband is looking on Amazon and trying to find things.  Unfortunately we can only buy some things in bulk.

We now have a lot of hand soap on hand
We have also ordered TP on Amazon and it says it is coming from China and wont be here until the middle of May.  Right now we can only buy four rolls of TP at a time if the store even carries it.  For a family of four that does not last long.  Once this is over I plan to make sure we always have a Costco size of TP in the basement should this ever happen again!

 I have been really working on trying to exercise every day.  I have lost 20 since Jan.  I am using the program Beach body on Demand to find low impact exercises.  I have like the videos so far and have only missed a day or two of exercising since January.

I have also been reaching out to friends that I haven't spoken too in a long time and reconnecting.  I reached out to my friend in NZ, UK, and many around the states.  I think this time has really required us to slow down and reconnect with nature and family and friends.  The one thing that I hope comes out of this pandemic is everyone slowing down and enjoying the present. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about staying home longer. Our state is still rising and people from states around us are opening up and coming into our state and driving around. They aren't finding much open to do. We will find out what happens when out mandate expires on May 8. I hope it is extended. Great job exercising. I need to do more of that myself.
    Blessings, Dawn
