
Friday 8 May 2020

weekly wrap up 5/8/20 -- Week Seven of Pandemic

Last week was an interesting week in my little town.  While our state has reopened on the 4th of May, the county where we live has mandated we remain shut for another 2 weeks due to the increase in cases.  The mayor of our town decided he was not going to follow the county regulations and open up the town.  Problem -- our town has the highest number of covid19 cases in the county due to a nursing home with over 25 cases!  So you can imagine the spit fire of nastiness going on in the community communication page.  It is truly awful to see people being so heartless and cruel to each other.  To say that the elderly person should willing give up their lives to let others live defies the very basic of human decency in my mind.  After an outpouring of emails and threats from the county for law suits and police intervention, the mayor backed down and we remain on lock down until May 18th and even then it may be extended again.  The hateful victuals that people spew on the web is shocking.  I admit is made me very sad and somewhat low in spirits this week at the thought of what has become of America.

On to what we have been doing to cope with this quarantine.  Once a week I or the kids make a dessert.  Trying not to over bake with goodies so we don't add weight, since I am working so hard on losing weight! 
My daughter wanted to make blackberry cobbler.  My husband found black berries on sale so he bought so much we had to make two!

We used a new recipe that was slightly lower in butter content in hopes that it wouldn't be quite so high in calories.  It turned out very good and while the intention was to freeze one for a later date, they were both gobbled up quite quickly

We had our first game night.  The first, I know shocking right, we are not the board game family that most home-school families seem to be.  We apparently didn't get that memo:)

Any time the weather is good I have the family sit outside and eat dinner.  It is the only way my kids see sun!  Both are quite happy staying in side so I have to encourage them to go outside and get a little Vit D

My daughter graduates this year from high school.  We are not sure if she will have a graduation ceremony, although one is planned for June 6th with her Co-op.  We just picked up her a cap and gown and have scheduled a photographer to take outdoor pictures this weekend (in a socially appropriate way) at a local park.   I also got her graduation announcements in so once the pictures are done, we will be sending those off.  
This is the color that the co-op has for their graduation ceremony
We are still trying to figure out how we will celebrate this big milestone as a family but I am sure we will come up with something if the co-op ceremony falls though.

Firedrake last week of community college classes is next week and she is busy studying for her finals.  She has signed up for a summer community college course since she will not be getting a job this summer.

MarioFan is continuing with his class work and we are slowly starting to wind down and wrap up some of his workbooks, classes.  As always he will be doing some work through the summer as we school year round.

Hope you are staying safe and healthy!

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