
Friday 24 April 2020

Weerkly Wrap Up 4/24/20 -- Menu planning

I have never been one to do a lot of meal planning.  I am often known for forgetting to thaw out meat or start making dinner and realize I don't have all the ingredients. Often my husband has to stop at the store on his way home from work to pick up last minute items.  Since the Pandemic I have really had to get more organize and with us not running around so much with kids activities I have more time to think ahead for meals.  I am also getting everyone in the house to cook one meal a week.  While I am a good cook or so my husband tells me, it is not my favorite thing to do. 

Every Saturday night at dinner I get the family to help plan out our dinners for the week.  I usually go shopping on Sundays this way I can check to make sure I have all ingredients in the house.  We are really trying not to go to the store but once a week.
We also order carry out once a week to help our small town business keep their employees working.  The whole town is doing this.  We are trying to order from a different restaurant each week.  Unfortunately a couple restaurants have closed down already:(.  We don't know if they will reopen when this is all over.  
Firedrake made Chicken and dumplings last week.  She loves making this and it always turns out great.
Last week I made for the first time Baklava.  I got a recipe from a friend and it is a family secret so I can't share with you but it is so good!!!

Before it went in the oven -- it is actually, for me a time consuming process to make.

It turned out wonderfully.  My husband and daughter who aren't fans of this dessert usually raved about it.  It didn't last long in the house.  This will be a dessert that I make for special occasions as it is very sweet.  But oh my is it good.
We are plugging along with school, not much excitement happening in that area.  We are closed down until the 3rd of May according to the governor.  We are going into our sixth week of quarantine.

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