
Friday 17 April 2020

Weekly wrap UP 4/17/20-- Surving the Pandemic

This week has been the hardest week for me.  It has been four weeks since the lock down and their are now 35 cases of the virus in our small community.  We have heard of at least two deaths, both people worked at the local schools.  I did not know them but still it is frightening.  I don't think I have left the house this week except to walk the dog.  Mentally it is wearing on me I think this week.

This week MarioFan made beef stroganoff for dinner. He did an excellent job!

We had a very small Easter at home.  I only got a few chocolates for the kids and one gift.  These were things I thought would help them pass time during this pandemic.

We, like a lot of family did face time with relatives to wish them Happy Easter.

My husband decided to surprise his work staff by dressing up during one of his computer meetings.  It got lots of laughter and attention.

 I am getting a little time in the glass studio over Easter and finished two projects.

 While we took at walk in the neighborhood I snap a picture of this found in one of our neighbors yard.  Made me smile:).

We are plugging along nicely with school work, kids are working either online or on their zoom classes. Nothing really exciting to report on here. 

I got a recipe from a friend on how to make Baklava and am going to give it a try this weekend.  She has given me some of hers and it is delicious and I am not a huge fan of Baklava.  Hopefully mine will turn out as good as hers.  It is a family recipe so I can't share it but if it turns out and tastes good I will post a picture next week.

Stay safe and stay inside. 


  1. Great pics! Love the viking and the mimiku!

  2. That lamp is gorgeous! You did an awesome job on it. When you mentioned Easter, it reminded me that it was in this week. Wow, the days seem so long. Hang in there.
    Blessings, Dawn
