
Friday 27 March 2020

Weekly Wrap up 3/27/20 -- Cornavirus pandemic of 2020

Our little town have been on complete lock down this past week and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.  It is requiring lots of adjustments for everyone.  So far we are holding up pretty well:).  I am trying to limit my need to go to the grocery store to once a week and I usually call ahead to make sure they have the items I need in stock.  People are still panic buying in my area which is making finding some things hard.

I forgot to check my tea stash before this whole thing started and of course ran out.  Luckily I could find it on Amazon and I got a delivery within 2 days, whew:)

Everyone in the house is practicing social distancing:)  Actually we all need work space since even my husband is at home teleworking 4 days a week.  Luckily he only has to go into work once a week and usually only for few hours.
Husband working from home

MarioFan is on spring break but still has an online Spanish class and piano lesson to complete.

Teenager off from college is chillin her bedroom:)  I have convinced her to do 30 minutes exercise with me every day:)
This week we tried having piano lesson on discord.  We could only get the app to work on the iPhone this week so there are a few kinks, but hopefully by next week we can get it to work on a better computer as it was very hard for both the kids and the piano tutor.  But we all must make due as best we can.

Even the dog claimed her space.  She made a nest with the blankets on the couch. 
I was to fly back to visit my mother this week and had to cancel.  I couldn't risk traveling and catching the virus and giving it to her.  Coming up is the one year mark of my Dad's death not being there is hard on us both.  Luckily my sister lives close by and can check up on her.  I am calling or face timing her every day. 
My Mom decided to adopt a bernedoodle, met Jack, everyone.  He is keeping her busy and company during her isolation.  
I have had a chance to get back into my glass studio and work on a few projects.  The studio is in my basement so it is still a bit too cold to work for very long.  But it won't be long before I can work longer periods.
I finally finished my second set of birds  These are Blue birds.

Chickadees--just need my Husband to help hung them up in the school room:)

My daughter wanted to take this Pokemon figure, Mimikyu, to college next year, so I finally got it cut out. 
 I have been racking my brain trying to figure out ways to help people who are in need in my area.  On our local community face book page, I posted that I will help any medically compromise person or elderly person with no family by going to the store once a week to help get there groceries.  So far I been contacted by 2 people who will need assistance in the coming days.

The other thing I have done is go through the items in my school room that never got used by my kids, and they have outgrown, and posted a picture on the face book community page offering these items for free to any low income family in order to help keep their children busy.   I am limiting each family to one item per child so I can spread the items to multiple families.  So far everyone has been very good about not taking more than they need. 

What are you doing to help your neighbors in your area?  Stay safe and stay inside:)


  1. Great ideas to help out. I have been helping a few friends"homeschool"through this season and taking care of my elderly mother. I am sorry you couldn't visit your mother. I love your stained glass creations.

  2. That's a great idea about sharing. I arranged a Walking Safari in our town this past weekend with prizes. Your glass work is amazing!!!
