
Friday 20 March 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 3/20/20 -- High School and current events

This past week was our state's primary and the first time our eldest was able to vote!  We have been emphasizing to our daughter if she wants to see change in the world, more young people need to vote.  She was excited to cast her first ballot and can't wait to do so in November!

Currently Firedrake is on Spring break and has completed her mid-terms.  She is pretty happy were she is in her grades.  We just got word that the community college is delaying returning to classes until the end of March due to the virus that is going around.  Still waiting to see if they continue classes online or not.

Right before the crisis began we went to another Symphony performance.

Unfortunately I misplaced the pamphlet that said which music was played.  The last performance was Bolero and it was AMAZING!!!!

As you can see it was pretty crowded, since then all performances have been cancelled which is disappointing as we had a few more scheduled for this year. 
In Literature MarioFan is reading

Actually we are almost done and now working on completing the writing assignment -- A compare/contrast essay before spring break.

So far Co-op has not been cancelled but the city has now cracked down on any groups larger than 250 people so I expect it will be cancelled soon.  We have one more week of Co-op before they take a spring break.  Everything is so crazy right now.

I decided to try a box of Imperfect foods.  We got our first box this week
I was pretty pleased with it and plan on getting another box in two weeks.  Might be the only way we get our veggies if this crisis continues.  Right now any vegetables the people in the house don't like the Guinea pigs get them.  Although you are able to pick and choose what goes in the box.  I ordered the smallest box.
So we did our emergency shopping, a bit late, as most of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer in our area is gone.  I did stock up on frozen foods and non perishables just in case.  Still calling the stores daily to see when toilet paper and hand sanitizer is coming in.  Stores are starting to limit the amount people can buy so hopefully we can get some soon.

This month has been hard as it was this time last year my father went into the hospital and never came home.  I am suppose to go to my Mother's during spring break and hoping travel isn't restricted.

Stay safe everyone and remember to self isolate if you have any symptoms in order to protect the elderly and those who are compromised medically.  If we all do our part we can overcome this virus.

1 comment:

  1. We get the misfit box of veggies too. We like it most of the time. The veggies we don't like get diced and hidden in soup. Everything (less grocery stores) is closed here in WNC. Stay safe.
    Blessings, Dawn
