
Friday 3 April 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 4/3/20 -- Corona Virus lock down survival

Two Weeks and counting since the lock down began.  We are staying inside as much as we can without going stir crazy.  Our normal routine has completely turned upside and there are days when no one feels like accomplishing anything.  Then there are other days when we seem to go over board with activities:) 

I initially thought since everyone is home every day that I could whip the house in shape with a thorough spring cleaning and get everyone to help clean one room a day.  Well that fell though (even I didn't feel like it some days) and we are now committing to cleaning one room per week.  Better than nothing I guess:)

We got a box of imperfect produce and one of the onions had already sprouted, so the kids wanted to plant it (yes it really was the kids idea).

I have never grown onions before so looking forward to seeing what happens
I have been getting in my glass studio a lot and been working on my Tiffany glass lamp finally got it off the mold.
Had to put it in the oven to melt the wax so I could remove it from the mold.

It is off!
 Finally got to see it with some light coming though it.  I really like the colors I chose.

I still have to solder the inside and attach some brass rings to the top and bottom before it is completed. 

This week my husband was able to hang the 2 birds on a branch in the windows.  These window are high up so the picture isn't very good.  But I love seeing them in the school room windows.

I am exercising daily at home.  I signed up for and exercising 30 minutes every day!  Firedrake has been joining me so that has been fun.  Even on the days when I am feeling a bit low I am committed to doing the exercise.  Haven't missed a day yet!

On the nice days (it has been raining a lot) once my husband has stopped teleworking we are taking the dog on a nice long walk in the neighborhood (still practicing social distancing).  Some days we see lots of families going on walks and other days it is very quiet. 

I am probably watching more TV than I ever have in these two weeks.  Also according to my apple products my weekly online time has sky rocketed.  I have been looking at funny videos, animal videos, comedies and anything else to make me laugh and lift my spirits.  I have not yet watched the show everyone is talking about, Tiger King, but it is on my list:). I usually don't like reality TV shows, might only make it though one episode, but I guess it will be interesting to see what all the fuss is about.

 The kids and I  have been face timing and calling family and friends a lot, checking in to see how they are doing and managing.  Hoping everyone is staying safe and practicing social distancing.  Life is very strange right now.  We need to limit our news coverage as it is making everyone more stressed and worried about the people we love.  We have been checking in daily with our kids and making sure they are alright.  Every Sunday my husband and I drive to Mac Donald's take out for breakfast and sit in the car and just talk and check in with each other.  I think that is important for us to do.  We don't want to worry the kids with our fears and concerns. 

How are you passing the time? Any great uplifting/comedy shows you can recommend?

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