
Friday 21 June 2019

Weekly wrap up 6/21/19 Coming home from camps

Both kids completed their camps and returned home this week.  Both had a very successful experience and were so excited to share their stories.  I was a nervous wreck for most of their time away worrying about anything and everything.  When your kids are with you all the time it is hard to let go but it was a good step for all of us.  The kids will be leaving the home in just a few years with college just around the corner for Firedrake and in a couple of years for MarioFan.

My Mom and Husband will tell you if I didn't hear from the kids every evening I worried but with every note or phone call from them and just hearing how happy they were, I soon relax (a little).  Firedrake was gone for two week, while MarioFan was gone for a week.  The day we picked them up I was so exited to see them again:)
At the end of the 2 weeks they had a ceremony
Firedrake will have earned 3 college credits after attending this course:)
Her roommate--She has never had a room mate before !

Her RA whom FIREDRAKE thought very highly off and whom was also homeschooled:)

Her certificate of completion.  She has until the 1st of July to submit a paper on her experience in order to receive college credit:)  she will be working on this right away while the experience is still fresh:)

A very proud DAD-- I was unfortunate in that I could not attend as I was busy picking up my son at his camp both ended on the same day and at the same time but a hundred miles apart.

MarioFan went to a Science and adventure camp for a week and had a great time.  Here are just a few of the of the pictures.  I bought a disc with over 4000 pictures taken at camp.  I am still going though them finding all the ones of MarioFan.  It looked amazing there was cave spelunking, helping a vet participate in animal surgery, pottery, cooking, animal husbandry, science experiments and so many other classes.  Seriously there needs to be an adult camp cause I want to do some of those things:)
My Mom was there to help me pick MarioFan up

He showed us around the place and was very informed of all the animals and very excited to tell us about all the things he tried while at camp 

One of his camp guides

His favorite camp guides who was from the UK and said so many nice things about MarioFan

MarioFan loved the zip line, archery and rifle classes.  He won first place at the end of the week for his accuracy on the shooting range.  He wants to go again next year!!

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