
Friday 14 June 2019

Weekly Wrap UP 6/14/19 - Mom's visit, Science Camp and Birthday

This week I sent off MarioFan for a sleep away camp.  I had a week with no kids!  My mother came out to visit so we did a few activities together which I will post about a bit later:)

But first camp photos:) from drop off  this Sunday.  The kids can get mail everyday so I prearranged mail to arrive every day for MarioFan.
I put together five envelopes and put in a little note and some snacks that I know he enjoys.  I labeled the envelopes so they will be delivered on the correct day when he is in camp!

This was the first time MarioFan went away to a camp so he was very excited and a bit nervous

This camp was both a science camp and an animal camp and their  activities list was amazing, almost wished I could be a camper:)

before we left we helped get his bed ready and unpack his suitcase

Mom and Dad were a bit apprehensive to leave him behind but knew he was in good hands:)

This week is my Birthday but it is also my Dad's who just passed away in April.  We share the same birthday, so it was a bit hard this year.  My mother came out to spend my birthday with me because  we needed to share it together to remember my Dad.

This is the last pictureI have of my Dad before he got very ill.
We miss you Dad -- Happy Birthday and lots of love

I will be taking a short break from blogging to spend time with my Mother:).

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