
Friday 28 June 2019

Weeky Wrap Up 6/28/19 Wrapping up the school year

Whew due to a bump in our year we fell behind but with lots of hard work we have caught up in every area but History.  MarioFan finished his algebra program, bio 1, literature, and electronics program today! We only have one more artist to do and I have decided we will work on World history up to the end of the 1800's and then call it quits for the year.  I am hoping to be done with History by the end of July if not sooner:)

Currently we are working on the French Revolution and the reign of Napoleon.

Some of our resources

For art we just finished looking at Dada and surrealist art.  We learned about Salvador Dali.  For the art projects I chose 3 different but simple projects.

some of our resources

Our family has been to the Salvador Dali museum in St Petersburg, FLA a few years back so I had some prints of his works for us to view 

We also touched on the DADA movement which was a precursor to the surrealist movement

this first activity I chose (this is my example)

This activity required a lot of patients from the boys which proved hard for them.  So they ended up having some homework to do to finish up the project

Final works:)

second project (this was my example)

this one was a challenge but after the first project they boys had a bit more patience and did pretty well using their rulers and getting the spacing just right

Finished works--again homework was required as it took a lot of coloring to  finish the project.
The last project is actually taken from Renee Magritte who is also a surrealist artist
My very poor example-- goal was to draw an eye and in the pupil draw something you are looking at:)  My mom was visiting during this lesson so I did a quick drawing and didn't have much time to redraw it:)

I have to say by the third week of projects they were much more enthusiastic with the work and this one was relativity painless for them and they worked quickly.  

Their finished works

MarioFan had gone to a baseball game the night before so he incorporated that into his eye.  I thought he did really well

His friend drew a octopus as the pupil and then added a fish for the tear duct:)

The last artist we are going to do for the year is Chihuly.  I am going to get the boys down into my glass studio:)


  1. Wow, those were great art projects. I love the eye one - very creative.

  2. What wonderful art projects. We saw Chihuly at the Biltmore this year. It was amazing.
    Blessings, Dawn
