
Friday 26 October 2018

Weekly Wrap UP 10/26/18 -- Monet, Scarecrow festival hay ride and learning to drive

For art this week we have been learning about Claude Monet!  We watched the video "The world's greatest artist" to introduce Monet and then I did a very simple painting project to explain Impasto and Touche which are styles used during the Impressionist movement.  We talked abut how the Impressionist got their name and why they painted they way they did-- it had to do with paints now in tubes and the new style of paint brushes:)

I reviewed with the boys that the impressionist did a lot of the mixing of their colors right on their canvas.  Also most impressionist did not use black or even brown much in their work if at all.

This project was very simple just trying to understand the technique.  
Next we discussed Monet in further and examined more of his artwork.
Just a few of the books we used as guides to examine pictures 

Comparing the old style of painting to the new style of impressionism 

At one time Monet paid a farmer to leave out his field of haystacks for a full year and then he painted them at various times during various light.  Sometimes he worked on 3-4 canvasses at the same time and switch out the canvass when the light changed.

Boys comparing Monets paintings when the artist began to lose his eyesight.

The second project I wanted to do was a bit ambitious but I wanted the boys to really try.  I found a great video on how to paint a simple Monet style Water Lilly pond!

This is my attempt of the waterlilies after watching the video.  I was pretty pleased with it:)

Then the boys got to work on their renditions:)

we even had one boy announced he liked this style of painting!!! Yay something positive!!!

Final work.  I thought the boys did really well with this project!

Firedrake passed her driving test!!!!  Watch out world here she comes!!!!

Firedrake had a late start day on Monday so her Dad drove her to the testing site and had her take the exam!
By the weekend my Husband had her behind the wheel.   They started in the parking lot of the high school and after an hour he let her drive home (we lived close by) Not sure I would have done it that quickly but they made it safely home so all is good, I guess.  I am letting my husband do the teaching here!!!!

For the month of October our little town has a scarecrow festival!  I always like walking downtown and taking pictures of them.  Here are just a few we saw.  This year I think there are over 120 scarecrows scattered around the town. 
Outside a Mexican resrestuaranttaurant 


Autumn fairy

Outside the Irish pub

outside the Italian restaurant
Cute litte poodle 

I found this outside the new coffee shop that will be opening in the next week or two!  

A lot of business put up a scarecrow and the public can vote on their favorite which is posted at the end of the month.  But with everything these days (as everyone has an opinion and feel they must ruin it for everyone else) there are people complaining about the scarecrows being too scary and wanting the city to stop hosting the event.  Sigh...

Our local coop had their annual bonfire and hay ride.
Families bring picnic dinners

play flashlight tag and hid-n-seek

and make and eat way too many s'mores and drink hot cocoa 

Fun time was had by all:).


  1. Ah, I love teaching/learning about/seeing Monet's paintings! Standing in the middle of his wall-to-walls at L'Orangerie in Paris was a dream come true!

  2. My son loves Monet so much. What a great week.
    Blessings, Dawn
