
Friday 19 October 2018

Weekly wrap up 10/19/18 -- Renn Faire and Volunteering

Our family is continuing to volunteer weekly at an animal sanctuary.   We enjoy visiting the cats.  The kids and I are going to be making some new cat toys for the shelter as the ones they have are quite old and more often than not broken.  IF you have any suggestions for homemade cat toys, let us know.  We are gathering ideas now!
This cat name is Elvis and has taken to my husband.  The minute he walks in the cat jumps on his lap.  The workers of the facility say it is very rare as Elvis is a bit standoffish to most people.  They are encouraging my husband to adopt him:) he is not quite ready to do that but he is wearing down a little on that front I think.
The other cat who seems to love my husband is Susie.  Once Elvis is finished with his cuddles then Susie jumps up for her turn.    
MarioFan surrounded by Cats on day.
This old gal is named Abuela (grandmother in Spanish) and she has  had such a horrible time.  Her owner died when she come into the facility but she was quickly adopted out.  Unfortunately the people who adopted her somehow let her out of the house and she got lost.  When she returned to the facility she was skin and bones weighing just 2.5 lbs.  It was heartbreaking to see how bad a shape she was in.   However the good news is she is recovering and at her last weigh in was closer to 4 pounds.  She should make a full recovery and she will not be returning to the family that lost her!  The facility won't be putting her up for adoption for a long while they said!

Firedrake spend a lot of time with this kittens who are polydactyl (six toes).  This cuties likes to crawl on her head and bit her hair!!!

We attended the Renn Faire this last weekend.  I haven't been to one since the children were small.  Since my Husband is proudly a Viking re enactor and takes history very seriously he struggles to attend this type of thing!  I on the other hand think they are fun and shouldn't be taken so seriously.  We attended with friends and the weekend dubbed the Celtic days! Once there my husband enjoyed himself and we were able to talk the teenager out of her room to join us.  She even said she enjoyed it:). 

Pirates!  Since MarioFan and is friend are reading Treasure Island we made sure to get pictures of them surrounded by pirates!!!

 Petting a barn owl

 Firedrake would love to own a snake one day--right after she moves out of my house lol

 Watching the Joust match

 This just confirms to my daughter that I will take a picture of everything!  Her very first purchase using her own bank card!!  She bought a knife that she can use in her cosplay costumes!!

We found a unicorn!  MarioFan looking to see how they got a horn on the horse!   

We tried a middle eastern (from the Silk Road we were told) meditation water device.  If you wet your hands and rub the brass handles a certain way the water dances in the bowl and the bowl makes a humming sound.  It was pretty cool

A Hurdy Gurdy musical instrument!  

MarioFan playing a archery game with his friend

Belly dancing

Fire performance

We had a great day out with friends and just enjoyed being with each other.  We haven't had a outing as a family for just fun in quite a while!  We all enjoyed it and it was a gorgeous day!

Yes we got some school work done as well, but nothing really exciting to talk about:)


  1. It’s much fun when the whole family can be a part, isn’t it? Looks like fun!

  2. lol.... I took a picture of my kids opening up their bank accounts :) I love it!!

  3. The cat volunteering looks like so much fun. Volunteering is such a valuable lesson for kids. We sure need everyone to be working on making this country kind.
    Blessings, Dawn
