
Friday 2 November 2018

Weekly Wrap UP 11/2/18- Cat Adoption, Kahlo and Poetry lesson

Well it happen just as I knew it would and just the way the kids planned it.  We have adopted a cat!
Please welcome 13 year old Elvis to the family!!!

My husband has always been more of a Cat person than a dog person but because of his allergies we  were always a bit cautious.  However since volunteering at the animal shelter my husband fell in love with this cat and the cat fell in love with him.  So my husband finally caved and began the process of adoption.  

The drive home

The cat spent the first day under the bed and with some coaxing came out a few times.  My husband even slept in the guest room with the cat so Elvis wouldn't be lonely on his first night home:)
 We have been slowly introducing the cat to the dog over the past week and while there has been a little hissing they are slowly developing their boundaries.  I think the Cat is winning the dominance battle, lol
Cat investigating the living room under supervision 

Poor Luna, she only wants to play, but Elvis is having none of it at the moment .

Found his new cat tree 

He always returns to his favorite person when he has had enough exploring!!!
As Elvis gets a bit braver around the house he is making his presence known.  Here he has claimed Luna's favorite spot as his own.

Poor Luna is not sure what to make of this interloper:( lol

We are taking it easy on introducing the two animals and they are always supervised and so far it is going pretty smoothly:)

We have been working on a Poetry lesson in our Literature class.  Kids read 6 very different poems and analyzed them.
We put together a lecture based on the Lightning Literature program

Kids take notes based on the lecture and for homework they will be working on writing 3 different types of poems.
For our Art Lesson we have been working on Frida Kahlo!  She had a very interesting life and since both boys are also taking Spanish I thought the perfect art project would be to make Day of the Dead masks but Kahlo style:)

Some of the resources we looked at to learn about this artist
Examining her art.  Boys weren't too sure about this -- thought her work was a bit creepy
The mask example I made.

I found a face mold at hobby lobby and used plaster strips to create the mold.  This was fun as both boys hate getting their hands dirty :)

Making tissue paper flowers to add to the top fo the mask.  Since Frida Kahlo was known for her flowers in her hair 
The finished mask

For the second project we did a Frida Kahlo drawing

Second project was to recreate a portrait of Frida Kahlo adding in at least one animal.  I found a free step by step guide in making a portrait of Kahlo but I wanted the boys to add in their choice of animals to the picture.  Frida Kahlo was famous for doing paintings with animals.  

Final results.

That is a week in a nutshell:)


  1. The art lesson looks like it was much fun and turned out great!

  2. Love the Frida projects. How wonderful that you all brought Elvis home. I am sure you will all delight in each other.
    Blessings, Dawn
