
Friday 31 August 2018

weekly wrap up 8/31/18 Curriculum change already and Guitar stain glass lamp

Well this is the earliest I have ever changed a curriculum but after much talk and deliberation we decided to begin Biology 1 instead of geoscience for MarioFan this year.  My husband and I went back and forth with this decision all summer!  On my curriculum post we decided geoscience but now after several more weeks of debating we switched back to biology.  Since school is starting next week (full schedule). We are now committed, I hope:). My husband and I will be teaching this subject together using the free book from apple iBooks and it will include labs.  As we did with my daughter we will be splitting these 7 books into 2 years concentrating on books 1-4 books this year and books 4-7 next year.

We will be including labs for this using some from the book and some I will do from other resources.  Testing will occur in this course!
I have also decided on which outschool class to enroll MarioFan in for programming.  Since he wants to pursue both electronics and computers we have enrolled him in an Arduino class!

He is looking forward to this 16 week class and our Arduino kit came in on time!  

I have been working on a new stain glass project on and off all summer and finally got it finished!

I took an old junior guitar and made a stain glass frame and placed it on top of the guitar.  I have seen these on some of my stain glass sites and wanted to try it.  I love how it came out!  My husband wanted a psychedelic feel to the guitar, what I hoped I accomplished.

My husband cut the top off the guitar and we added LED lights on the inside.
we glue the clips down inside the guitar to keep the lights in place

I silconed the glass top onto the guitar frame.  So far it is holding up just fine but I really want to find some type of clip that I can add to the sides to make sure the glass front never falls off. 

 I am pretty pleased with how it turned out and it was not as hard as I thought but not sure I want to do another any time soon as it is very time consuming.  But my husband is hinting at a drum light next!  We might have a whole wall of musical instruments stain glass lights :).  Next I am working on a glass garden stake and a glass lantern.  I will post when they are finished!

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