
Friday 24 August 2018

weekly wrap up 8/24/18-- Summer Camps, Piano and first day of High School!

We have been busy doing a few summer camps before full time school resumes for MarioFan.

We did a one day camp for Archery.  It was a brutally hot day that day and I forgot my camera:(. Luckily my friend was able to get a few pictures before her phone battery died.

 Next MarioFan did a week at Robotics camp at a library in the city.  It was a free camp and we were put on the waiting list but got called in the night before so I had to quickly rearrange my schedule so he could attend.

MarioFan was paired up with a partner and they spent each day working on a challenge.  The first day they built their project and tested that it could go in a straight line for 10 feet.  After some tweaking they got it to work fairly quickly:)

Concentrating hard to program the next obstacle
ON the last day he was able to program his robot to go around a square making the 90 degree turns.  

He was quite proud of himself!  
I will definitely have to find a few more classes like this for him to try out as it was right up his interest alley:)

This week FireDrake started her first day as a Junior at the local High School.  MarioFan will begin his full schedule, except for coop classes next week!  The summer sure has flown by, sigh.

I finally captured the kids playing their piano pieces at the MAMA a few weeks ago.  Both earned superior piano solo awards

Firedrakes first piece is called sea voyage

Fire drakes second piece is called Jazzy locomotive

MarioFan's first performance piece is called Chanson by Faber

MarioFan's second piece is called Elephant Stomp

That is our crazy week in a nutshell:).


  1. Nice piano play! Music is a great skill to have.

  2. Love hearing my kids playing piano - there's something so wonderful about it, isn't there?

  3. What a great week and wonderful piano playing.
    BLessings, Dawn

  4. How awesome about that Robotics camp! We have a couple robotics clubs around here, but it's very pricey. That kit he was playing with is very expensive! That's one of the reasons we stopped robotics. Just not in the budget for all four kids. Lydia was the only one who truly enjoyed it. But Caty is getting into Minecraft now. So we will wait and see. I may have two kids in Robotics next year at our local co-op.
