
Friday 7 September 2018

Weekly Wrap Up 9/7/18--Sports & Public school

Whew we survived the first couple weeks of my daughter attending public high school.  It is always a scary and uncertain beginning.  This year the public school issues every student a chrome lap book computer and all text books are on the computer!  It will be interesting to see how this works out for Firedrake and for us.  The only class that is is slightly worried about is Chemistry, as it is the last class of the day and Firedrake is running out of steam by then,  so we will have to keep an eye on that class and help when needed.  Should be interesting without a book to refer too.

We attended Pride night for the Cardinals baseball game through my husband work!

We had nose bleed seat but what a wonderful view of the city!

Even better the Cards won that night 5-3

MarioFan went bowling 

It was a pizza/bowling party with some friends.
 On a few mornings when I drop Firedrake off at school we take Luna with us.  She loves car rides.  She is so funny in the car that I had to take pictures of the dog and the difference between the ride to and from school lol!
Luna insists on sitting on Firedrake's lap and looking out the window.

once Firedrake leaves the car she lays down with such a sad look on her face.  :). She is adorable.
We attended our first school meeting on prepping for College and boy did we come out of it feeling just a tad overwhelmed.  Firedrake has already visited one college last year but we need to get moving on looking at a few others.  Firedrake is busy prepping for the PSAT exam in Oct and is taking a preparation class after school.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that she will do well.  Tentatively she is interested in Psychology and Creative writing/Literature.  I can't believe her journey to college is now on the count down clock, less than 2 years, I am NOT ready for this!!!!

 MarioFan begins his coop classes which include art, literature and Spanish which I will talk about next time!

1 comment:

  1. Our dog loves car rides too. We are starting our kids at the community college to save money. They can transfer on from there if they need too. So far dear daughter wants to be a professional dancer and Sing Language Interpreter. Neither require more than a two year degree. My son is completely undecided.
    Blessings, Dawn
