
Friday 17 August 2018

Weekly Wrap Up 8/17/18 -- Laser project, MAMA awards and MauHouse

We are wrapping up our final Stem project this week.  Building a geometric laser projector from Kiwi Krate.  MarioFan has been enjoying these projects.
I have to say I have been very impressed with the quality of the items. And no I am not being paid to say that!!!

He was excited to see a new term that he didn't know!  Potentiometers which are used to vary the amount of resistance using in a circuit!
 He takes a couple of days to assemble the project, this is really based more on time allotted then anything else as we have so much to accomplish in our school day!

Always happy when he gets it to work!  MarioFan is doing much better following directions and I didn't have to help at all this time, even when he had to problem solve why something wasn't working.  I need to find some more of these kits:)

This year the Mid-America Music Association was hosted in the city.  Both kids participated and earned Superior piano solo performance.

We had to be there bright and early which is never fun when you are a teenager and doesn't like to be up til 10 am!

Parents weren't allowed in to see how the kids performed so I did whatever other parent did when their kids were at the door.  I stood next to the door and listened as the kids played!

Firedrakes selections --  Hopefully I will get the kids to play the pieces again for me and I can record them and post no the blog

Kids were happy to do well in their categories!
I will post their music on a later date when I can get them to lay it for me at home and I remember to record it!!!!

Since we had to wait about four hours before the results and it was to far to drive home we took the kids to a Cat Cafe that we have been meaning to visit for over a year now!
My husband is allergic to cats but loves cats (more than dogs) went with us

Do to the crowds you are only allowed one hour in the Cat room

Some of the cats are adoptable and some are permeant residents

My husband and Firedrake fell in love with this Cat named Sheena.  Seriously my husband was looking up how to adopt her before we left!!!  Luckily they have a 5 day wait and home visit requirement so by the time he drove home he came back to his senses much to the chagrin of the kids!  Both of whom want a Cat to go with all the other animals in the house!

This cat is a resident of the cafe 

Hubs has decided to volunteer at the Open door Sanctuary with the kids -- he has to go through orientation first.  So he can get his cat fix and not adopt a cat.  I have a feeling before the year is out we will have a new pet!


  1. Ok... the cat cafe looks so cool! The girls would love it. I’m allergic and we had to get rid of our cats.

  2. Congrats on the wonderful piano playing. I love the cat cafe. I am really more of a dog person, but we are enjoying our new kitten.
    Blessings, Dawn
