
Friday 14 September 2012

The Making of Harry Potter studio tour

We recently went on the Warner Brother's Studio Tour of The Making of Harry Potter.  I have one died hard Harry Potter fan and another one coming up in the ranks:)

This exhibit only recently opened and we tried to get tickets for July 4th but the only available date was Sept 3rd.  So if you want to go book well in advance

Kids received their Harry Potter passports

Seeing the bed room under the stairs at Privet Drive

The great hall at Hogworts and all the props

Throughout the exhibit there were informational signs describing the various components of film making

Ron Weasley's bed at Hogworts

Every character in the movie had their own unique style of wand, and if you have a favorite character you can buy their wand in the gift shop at a very over inflated cost.   Not that that stopped us, we now owned Hermines and Albus Dumbledor's wand, in case you are wondering.

Griffandor Common room

We got to see all the horcrux's  This one is Tom Riddle's dairy and the Basilisk tooth

Potions classroom
Poster of all the animals (including back ups) used in the filming and a note of their personality.  This one was quite the trouble maker:)

Hagrid's cabin and a model of Fang

The famous Door of Chamber of Secrets film

Seeing all the different kinds of broom sticks.  Kids even got to ride one on a green screen

Weasley's home -- The Burrow

Selling Butter beer
We gave it a try, I thought it tasted like Butterscotch whereas my husband thought he tasted sparkling apple cider.  The white foam on top was British cream.

#4 Privet Drive

The Knight bus

The bridge which was not in the book but the imagination of one the Director for the movies

I thought this might be to scary for my kids but they loved it
Getting to see how some of the animatronics worked

Diagon Alley

Seeing some of the mock ups of movie props before being constructed full scale

This model of the castle was used for all back drops of the castle using a green screen behind it so the scenery could be added later.  This model is huge taking up  a room of its own
Family photo in the flying car
 We had a great time seeing all the exhibits.  We spent over 4 hours here!!  The family walked out wanting to watch all the Harry Potter movies again.  Might have to do a marathon weekend this winter:)


  1. Love the photo of you guys in the flying car! My oldest three grew up on Harry Potter. Secunda, in particular, was really sad when the series ended. It really was the end of an era. I can remember starting them on the series about 12-13 years ago, reading it out loud to them. Then hubby got caught up in the series also and we weren't allowed to read any of the new books until he got home. My oldest two, especially, would love this place! BTW, are you still going to be doing the field trip blog hop? I finally have some good field trip posts to link up, after avoiding all tourist attractions all summer, due to the crowds.

  2. Love it! My boys are in love with Harry Potter at the moment and would eat this up!

  3. Now that's a field trip!! I am not sure 4 hours would have done it for my boys. Awesome.

  4. That is awesome! We went to Universal to the Wizarding World and the kids liked it We are doing Harry Potter School this year if you would like to see I would have much rather saw all the props and everything than to ride the rides!

  5. My children and grandchildren would all love a chance to go! They all love Harry Potter.
    My middle daughter read the books out loud to Zelda while she was still in her "belly" and has continued to read it to her every since since she was born over a year ago.

  6. That looks amazing! I showed the photos to my 17 y/o son, and he's a little jealous (truth be told - so am I! :) I especially love that you could actually walk through Diagon Alley.
