
Wednesday 12 September 2012


Since the Olympics is being held in London we have been working on completing a unit study on the Olympics.  I have also included in this unit information on the Paralympics.  Luckily here in the UK they are televising many of the sports and after school and in the evening the kids, daddy and I are watching the games.  We have been amazed at the level of competition!  We were able to get tickets to attend and had an amazing experience watching the athletics and experience the wonder of the Olympic Park.  It was wonderful and it is truly an experience we will all remember and are so glad to have been apart of!!!!

We have learned about the Paralympic flag and the motto which is "Spirit in Motion"

The Red tower at the Olympic Park, unfortunately we were not able to get tickets to go up this day.  We hope to go back after the games to take in the views

Walking the gateway to the Olympic stadium.  It was crowded.  Here in London the Paralympic games have reach record numbers in attendance with most event sold out.

The support and crowds have been amazing for the Paralympic games here in London
From our seats we could see the final of the Long jump

Kids were amazed to see a mini car bringing the discus back to the players in the discus throwing segment.

We saw amazing wheel chair races

Visually impaired runners.  We were surprised to learn that each runner had a sighted guide runner beside them and the sighted guide runner also gets a winning medal.  So it is more of a team sport
We cheered the Athletes on and waved the US flag proudly
We saw athletes winning their heats and final matches and it was a joy to see their excitement!

We saw many Victory and medal ceremonies

And joyfully celebrated their wins

We witness countless Paralympic World records as well as athletes PR (Personal best records) and cheered them on.

After the show we wondered the park and took in the the atmosphere

We had our pictures taken with the Paralympic Torch
We took home many amazing memories and we all thoroughly enjoyed the games.  I wish more countries would televise the Paralympic games because what these athletes have to overcome to reach this level of competition is absolutely amazing and should be celebrated openly and joyfully.  While I also admire the Olympians, I must say I have a greater level of respect for the Paralympians and hope one day the rest of the world can watch and see their games televised and cheer them on!!!!


  1. It is kind of weird, I never heard of the Paralympics until this year. Then all of a sudden, I was hearing about it everywhere! In many ways, it is more interesting and inspiring than the regular Olympics.

  2. That is so awesome Anna-Marie! It looks like a great experience for sure! Maybe in the near future the Paralympic Games will get the recognition and TV coverage they deserve.

  3. Wow, I wish we had them televised here. They do sure clips of them. I think the paralympics games are so awesome. I loved the thought of a blind person being able to run a race. I have a blind granddaughter and so I understand the limits that the blind have.
    Another awesome adventure with your family. I loved all the pictures and thoughts. Again, you are all amazing!

  4. What an amazing post Anna-Marie! I wish our family had been able to go to these games. I agree with you - I admire the Olympians, but have a greater level of respect for the Paralympians. I hope one day the world makes as big a deal out of the Paralympic Games as the Olympic ones. And I love your flag! Thanks so much for sharing this. I really enjoyed reading it! Smiles!
