
Monday 17 September 2012

Medieval Fair at Pensthorpe

I know I have done a lot on history fairs we have attended...but here is another Medieval Fair at Pensthorpe Nature Reserve.  Here they had re enactors from Vikings to about the 1600's
First time I have seen leaded glass at a show.  No one really knows when leaded glass began.  The earliest pieces found were in the 7th century, since I have worked with leaded glass I was very interested in hearing this lady's take on the craft.

Watched a Potter work and make a water vessel.  His wheel was manually rotated:)

We witness a 1600 witch hunt.  Witch Law were not put on the books until around King Henry the 8th reign

The Bishop prosecuting the poor witch.  The crowd was ask to vote and it was mob rule...great discussion with the kids on this phenomena
We were told that very few witches (early on) were burned at the stake most were forced to recant and then live on the edge of the villages.  More women were burned for treason than for witch craft in this period.
Princess playing one of her favorite medieval games 9 Man's Morris

A Crusader -- first time I think I have seen this type of re enactors

small boat with the the front is my daughter who somehow manage to convince a group of re enactors to let her on the boat.  They rowed her across the lake

Can you see her better now.  Little Man wasn't in his kit so wasn't allowed on the boat.  This made princess's day!!

Met a very nice gentleman who had a pet Raven...that bird had quite a personality:) 
Here it is  puffing up as they communicate with each other.  The gentleman said that he got the bird from a breeder and has owned it for 2 years.  Now Princess wants a Raven.  These birds have been known to live for over 60 years!!!

Fishing boat...this gentleman told me that these boats are still used in Southern Wales as fishing vessels.  Not sure about getting in the ocean with that little boat
I will spare you the Viking battle that my husband participated in as I have done that so many times in the past:)


  1. How did they decide a woman was a witch (meaning what criteria made them turn on her in the first place)? Glad Princess was ale to go in the boat! You guys are really lucky to have so many re-enactments that you can go to!

  2. I'll be showing my kids this post since we are studying Medieval history now. Just wish I had the great opportunities like you to bring history alive for them :/ Great pictures and looks like so much fun! Clicked a vote for you :)

  3. Another fun adventure; it was awesome. I loved that Princess got to ride in the boat; the picture was sweet. It is incredible how much you are learning on these field trips. I enjoy learning with you. The pictures are always great.
