
Wednesday 19 September 2012

A Day at the Beach

We live about 90 minutes from a beach and while that isn't very far we don't go often mainly because the it is usually cold, windy and maybe even raining:).  My kids love going to the beach so a friend and I pack our children up and took them out for the day at the beach.
at low tide we discovered an old ship wreck boat which was a perfect place to look for sea life

Little Man found plenty of boulders to climb!

Princess and her friend digging in the sand

I thought the water was a bit too cold for swimming but that didn't stop the kids.

We had a great day out even though in true British weather it was cold and windy.  I still can't get over the fact I have to wear a jacket to the beach!  Because the weather was cold, we as mothers, were not as diligent at putting on sunscreen so all the children were sunburned :(.  Now I am off to buy Aloe Vera lotion and hoping that it is still stock in the stores at this late date!


  1. A shipwrecked boat? How cool is that?!?! I remember you posted before about going to the beach.. Was it with the girl scouts??? It just seems crazy how the kids can stand the cold water!

  2. You just have the coolest adventures and visit the most interesting places!
    I love the beach, even in cooler weather. The nice thing is that you don't have to share it with many folks that time of year. :-)
