My family was given the opportunity to review Write Shop book C as part of the TOS crew. Since I have one very reluctant writer I was eager to give this a try. Write Shop was created by two home schooling Moms and is an incremental writing program. Each lesson builds upon the previous one and continually includes review of the previously taught material to reinforce
what is being taught.
No Prior Writing Experience
Limited Writing Experience
Writing at
Grade Level |
Writing above
Grade Level |
Kindergarten |
Book A
Book A
Book A
Book A
1st Grade |
Book A
Book A
Book A
Book A or B
2nd Grade
Book A or B
Book A or B
Book B
Book B or C
3rd Grade |
Book B or C
Book B or C
Book C
Book C has 10 lessons which are as follows:
1. Planning the Story
2. Writing a Mystery
3. Self-Editing
4. Journal Writing
5. Describing a Thing
6. Describing a Person
7. Describing a Place
8. Writing a Book Report
9. Writing a Simple Report
(no research needed)
10.Writing a Simple Research Report
The program offers parents several options for scheduling the writing program so if you only want to work a 4 day school schedule you have that option or if you have a slower writer, like I do, you can stretch out the lessons into a 3 week schedule. I really like the flexibility this!!

You can purchase Write Shop either as a ebook $28.95 plus activity book $4.50, or a print addition $32.95 plus activity guide $4.95. Write Shop also also more advance writing programs on their site.
My family thoughts:
I liked the program it gave options for scheduling allowing for flexibility, always a plus. I like that there were additional suggestions given after each activity so if your child wanted to do things differently you had ideas already written down for you. I used this program with my DS who is 7 and a very reluctant writer and my DD who is 10 but a much better writer. My children like that there were many different activities for each lesson, that while each activity reinforced writing they weren't all writing activities. For example the time memory game in the first lesson. My son love it and ask to play it several times...while I can't find the picture I took of them playing it, trust me it as a hit for them both. The game was so successful I modify the game after playing it several times and we were able to create our own verbal stories using the Story template we made, another activity suggested by Write Shop. We then wrote them down and read them to Daddy when he got home.
Write Shop is offering 15% off any WriteShop Primary and Junior products in the WriteShop store (including e-books) using coupon code CREW15 at checkout. Offer valid through June 15, 2012
You can read more reviews over at the TOS crew page.
**Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.
Wow, this sounds like a great resource. I am going to send your link to them. I marvel at the homeschooling programs out there. Of course you adventures are the best ever.