
Tuesday 1 May 2012

Keeping Your Tulips Standing Tall

While visiting my family I attended my mother's garden club meeting and I heard a great tip on how to keep tulips looking their very best in a vase.  But first did you know tulips keep growing even after you cut them...I didn't.  So to keep your tulips standing upright for as long as possible it was recommended that you add a penny to the tulip vase.

I have been testing this tip all week. My husband bought me tulips (he didn't know about the garden meeting I attended) and gave them to me when I got home after being away on a month long visit with my family.


        I promptly added a penny to the vase and here they are after 4 days, still standing tall.

Can you see the pennies:)

My tulips lasted exactly 7 days before a single tulip stem began to droop and drop it's petals and it was only two out of 18 tulips.  Not bad...I am going to remember this tip!

Starting today the new monthly theme at the No Ordinary Blog Hop is post about your favorite tips which can be anything from home schooling, housework, party planning, traveling or whatever amazing tip you have that makes your life easier.  Consider posting about it and sharing  on the NOBH so maybe someone else can use your amazing tip.  See button on my side bar to find NOBH:)!!

I am linking this post up to the NOBH...hope to see you there:)!!

No Ordinary Blog Hop


  1. I've never heard this one before, so I'm going to pin it! I wonder why the penny keeps them upright?

    1. Don't know the answer to that but it really works, I have been buying tulips for the house and using this tip ever since and they really do stay straight:)

  2. I've heard of this tip before but always forget about it. Thank you for posting it and may your tulips always stand tall! My garden tulips are just starting to burst open

  3. Great tip. a friend recently told me to add a teaspn of bleach to the flower water but i like the penny idea better. Found you through NOBH.

    1. I have heard of bleach but haven't tried it

  4. I loved the tip and the tulips are lovely. Thanks, for sharing this one!
