
Monday 7 May 2012

Ladies Retreat

Last Wednesday a friend invited me to women's retreat up in Wales.  I thought it would be a perfect time to relax and enjoy some female company and let go of the stress of life.   While I have traveled often, it is always with my husband and/or the kids.  I have never really gone any where without my family.  So while I was looking forward to taking some "me" time I did have some reservations about it.  My wonderful husband as always reassured me that he and the kids would survive with out me for 3 days:).

 The hotel where the retreat was held was on top of a small mountain where we had gorgeous views

 Behind the hotel we took a small trail further up the mountain to get this great view of the village below and the castle
 My friend who coaxed me to leave my kids and husband to take some time out for myself.  I am so glad I did:)

We also managed to squeeze in a back massage each at a local spa in town on one of our breaks:)
 View from the other side of the mountain ridge. 

 There had a very dynamic speaker who was very inspirational and had a great singing voice.

My husband and kids pick me up after 3 days and then we headed to a Viking Craft day...more on the next post:)


  1. What a fantastic looking retreat!

  2. How beautiful! I've never been to Wales but I have been to England. I just love the rich history of Britain. Looks like an amazing time. Blessings!

    1. It has been a real blessing to live here, we have seen and done so much:)

  3. My mom and sisters and I went for a ladies only week-long trip to Prince Edward Island, Canada and absolutely loved it. It's nice to get a way for a bit every once in a while.

    I found you on the Hip Homeschool Hop. come see us at

    1. That sounds lovely. So glad you had the opportunity to spend some time with just you and your mother. :) I will stop by to visit

  4. What a beautiful place! I am so glad you got to enjoy such a retreat. It's always hard for me to leave my family, but when I have done so for retreats like the one you describe here, I am always rejuvenated. I hope you were as well. Thanks for sharing (the pictures are lovely!) Smiles -
