
Saturday 28 April 2012

Building a Viking Long House

If you have been reading my blog for any period you will know that my husband is very interested in the medieval period.  So much so that he joined (and then the rest of the family joined him) a local group that does historical re-enactments of Anglo-Saxon period.  This group has been recognized and has often been filmed for various TV shows because they are know for being as authentic as possible.  We have been fortunate to be able to participate in this group and have learned a great deal over the last several years about the Viking period.  This past January we went to their 12th Night celebration and saw for the first time Wychurst Manor, a replica Viking long house that the group is building. You can see the 2 posts here and here.  This building project has been ongoing for ten years and there is still plenty of work  to do.  Now that the main building is almost complete the next stage is being set to add additional buildings.  One of the group members put together this remarkable video of the progress being made. 

This summer my family is scheduled to join them for a "work" weekend and we will be able to document that we hammered in that floor board, or painted that trim.  Honestly we can't wait to make our small contribution to this great project!!!


  1. Wow! Just wow! That is all I can say! So much work, so much attention to detail. I wish we had something like that here. Maybe... then again, I'm not sure if I'm the "hammer in Viking floorboards" type. It definitely requires a passion for history!

  2. What a neat opportunity for you all! I think the house progress must be amazing for your kids as well. It has been in process most of their lives, correct? How often do they see projects of this scope in these times of instant gratification?

    We have a living history museum & very old Fort in NH that was originally built in the 1740's. There is always work of some sort going on there: maintaining, building, forging, horseshoeing, battle recreations, etc.

    Like all living history museums, it is very interesting. Wish I could see the project you shared with us via your video!

  3. That's wonderful. You guys have re-created, and re-lived the lives of the people in medieval times. Actually, the house looks medieval, even if you just look at the exterior alone. But the paintings did put life into the house. I agree with Maureen: it definitely requires passion for history to make this.

    Jamie Shellman
