
Monday 13 February 2012

One on One time

This past Saturday my husband and I had the rare opportunity to each spend a few hours alone with each child. We had a little bit of time to look inside our children's hearts and minds.

Princess went to a Trampolining party but before that, she and I got to spend 90 minutes in the car each way talking with each other. I learned a lot about the story lines of the Warrior series books she is reading. We also went out to lunch prior to the party, just the two of us.

My husband took Little man to an indoor swimming pool for the afternoon.

We each got home and had exactly 1 hour to change clothes, switch kids and head out the door for the next activity.

Princess and Daddy went to a Father/Daughter Valentine's dance held at our local base.

Some of Princess's dance moves:) When she got home she had a balloon, a rose and a special photo in a wonderful frame of just her and Daddy from the dance organizers. She wants Daddy to take the picture to work and put it on his desk! Princess told me it was the best night of her life...luckily Daddy was within listening distance of that wonderful statement.

I love this photo even tho it is a bit out of focus because it is so Princess in every way possible.

Meanwhile Little Man and I went out to Dinner and saw the Muppet Movie together. Little Man insisted on ordering a large popcorn and soda and I watched in amazement as he consumed both. I think he had to pee 4 times during the movie:). After the movie he did say he had a tummy ache!

What a wonderful way to spend a day! Everyone went to bed with warm feelings of how much we each mean to the each other.


  1. Really loved this adventure; thanks for sharing your thought and pictures. I think you are such awesome parents and home schoolers. I love following your blog.

  2. So much fun! I am going to be smiling all day thinking about Princess' moves. She is in that wonderful stage where she is turning into a young woman, but still has the lack of self-consciousness that only young children seem to possess.

  3. Those are adventures that they will remember forever. When Princess went with her daddy to the Valentine's party and when little man and his mom went to see the Muppets and he got a tummy ache. Priceless, priceless memories!
