
Wednesday 15 February 2012

More Monet paintings

After a week or two of mishaps in getting our final Monet paintings done we have finally completed them this week, whew... I really like the idea that I found on The Crafty Classroom. I had each of the children find a painting of the Japanese bridge that Claude Monet has done on the web and I printed out the picture. Using these paintings as our inspiration we got to work...

Again we started out with our paint pallet. Using only primary colors, white, a tiny bit of black and brown.

We taped of a portion of the picture that would be our bridge

Using our Monet picture as inspiration began to paint...

Once the paint drys we removed the tape

Little man's results..he found it to hard to use Monet's picture so he did his own version of the Japanese bridge. Less black paint was used this time around, YAY!!!

I thought Princess did a great job following Monet's style in this blue painting of the Japanese bridge.

My results showing my Monet picture in the corner which was my inspiration. I decided I didn't like the white bridge so .....

Can't decide if I added to the painting or distracted from it. Oh well...

I know doing these exercises demonstrated to me that impressionist really were skilled artist as it is much harder than it appears to recreate art using only the basic colors and dots and lines.
To see our other Monet painting go here


  1. I love that you are painting with your children. - Great project.

    1. I actually enjoy painting with the kids I feel like I am learning with them:)

  2. As the parent of a child who learned so much better by being hands on, I love this lesson! While visions scroll through my head of bored kids in classrooms roll their eyes as the teacher drones on about Monet, time period, Impressionism, I view how you are able to make Monet come absolutely alive for your children.
    Thanks for being such an encouragement to moms who might be considering homeschooling!

  3. Wow! This is really impressive! Awesome work. :-) I'm coming over to visit from Red Oak Lane. Hope you have a great rest of your week.

  4. Those are awesome paintings, you all did a great job with them!

  5. I agree, great job!, and I also like that you were doing the lesson right along with the kids.
    Thanks for sharing with "Look What We Did!"

  6. I love them!! Definitely going to have to try that with my kids :-)

  7. I love this! I want to try it!! That is one of my favorite Monet paintings!!! I am always amazed at the painter's tape!

  8. Great projects! Setting aside more time for art needs to be my goal next year.

  9. Wow, those are incredible paintings! Of course, Monet is my favorite painter....but you all did a great job of working with his style and making them look like Monet actually did them himself.

    1. Thanks Maureen, I love impressionist art, it looks so simplistic that anyone can do it...but it is so much harder than it looks:)

  10. Their paintings turned out really good!!

  11. Those are so cool! We even have blue painters tape (somewhere) in the house. I'm going to plan this, thanks for the inspiration.

  12. and what will your pictures be selling for in 100 years? :)

  13. Love, love, love this painting idea! Can't wait until my kids are old enough to do the same! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm following you back! :)

  14. What a great project for kids to have success while learning a painting style and artist! Love painter's tape!

    I'm visiting from WUHS :)

  15. How lovely!!! I'm going to have to try this in our home!

  16. So glad I saw this today.... it inspires me! Thank you! :-)

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