
Friday 17 February 2012

A Mother's Home school Journal

In my life this week:

Ever had one of times when you feel like you whole existence is devoted to your kids and they don't appreciate all your hard work. It has been one of those kinds of is a recent conversation with my youngest...

Child: I am calling the newspaper on you, Mom
Me: Why
Child: You are so mean
Me: I am
Child: Yes, you won't buy us pop tarts or the chicken nuggets we like. I don't like the new ones you buy now
Me: The new ones are healthier for you
Child: But I don't like them...

On a positive note both my husband and I got to spend some individual time with each of our children this weekend. The kids loved the one on one time and so did we:)

In Our Home school this week:

We have begun our study on WWI. We watched the movie "Sinking of the Lusitania", which was very good. We have begun reading and trying to figure out why the war started in the first place. Some excellent books I have found so far include Truce by Jim Murphy, Usbourne book WWI, and the History of Wars.

We have begun our studies on Mexico learning about the festival of the dead. We watched a Atlas show on Mexico and cooked Tortilla soup for dinner.

We have completed our study on Claude Monet and tried two styles of paintings (see previous posts).

Places we are going:

We head out to the Viking Festival this weekend and I will be adding a few posts when we get back next week. We are also planning our trip to the states this spring and my parents have offered to watch the kids for a week so my husband and I can plan a trip for 2. How fantastic is that! Can't wait...we now have to decide what to do and where to go.

I’m reading…

CJ Sansom Dark Fire, This is the second book I have read of this author
Little Man and I are reading book 2 of Harry Potter
Princess and I will begin reading Trenches next week (book about WWI)

I’m cooking…

I feel I am getting into a bit of a rut with my cooking, but with us out of the house 4 nights a week for various activities simple quick meals are all I can manage, however we are trying to make healthier choices, just ask my youngest:)

A photo to share…

I made Tortilla soup for the very first time this week. It was excellent!!

Hope you all are having a very wonderful week!


  1. Anna-Marie, I understand hou you feel when you say, "Ever had one of times when you feel like you whole existence is devoted to your kids and they don't appreciate all your hard work." Been there done that, unfortunately I'm sure I'll have to do it again!!! Be encouraged, our hard work will read a harvest!

    Your Tortilla Soup looks delicious! Will you share the recipe?!?

    Be blessed,

  2. Oh yes, we have also had many of those "mean mom" discussions around here regarding pop-tarts and chicken nuggets. You are a homeschooling teacher mom AND the cafeteria lady!

  3. The tortilla soup look very healthy. - Every time we have made a healthier diet change the kids seem to resist a bit. Then they get over it and adjust. I think it's great you are making healthier choices.

  4. Oh, I heard that this week too...because I wanted my daughter to rewrite her 100 word story. ;) Hang in there! They'll thank you for their health and happiness when they're older.

  5. First what do you think of the Harry Potter books so far? I have enjoyed them for my own personal reading, and of course my kids love them. Second, yes I've had almost identical conversations with my kids and often feel like they don't appreciate the ways I take care of them *sigh*

  6. Hi Ladies so nice to know these conversations aren't just in my house:).

  7. You are SO not alone with those kinds of discussions. :-) My kids have even asked me why companies make things that are bad for children. Oh, boy, am I ready for this? lol. Your tortilla soup looks delicious! I host a weekly linkup called "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." Maybe you can linkup your soup? I know I would love to try it. :-)
    Many blessings,

    1. Hi Lisa I will post it up this week:) Thanks for telling me about your link up.

  8. It is amazing how our kids can pick on us! When you read a book with your kids do you both take turns reading, read separately, or do you read out loud? I'm trying to get some ideas on how to get my oldest to read more. Also, have you posted the recipe to your tortilla soup somewhere? It looks yummy!

  9. Oh my goodness, no Pop Tarts?!?!? What sort of mother are you?!?!? No wonder he wants to call the newspaper on you! :-)

  10. Oh, I so love tortilla soup! I still want to come to your school!
