
Sunday 22 January 2012

We have a tween in our house today!!!!

Yes, I am now the mother of a 10 year old!!! Where, oh where did the time go? I still remember bringing my baby home from the hospital.

Here is a record of how Princess has changed and grown up over the last TEN years. So many wonderful memories, can someone please pass the tissues, sniff sniff....

Princess was two weeks over due, hence the blue hands and feet at birth.

age 1, look at that red hair!!

age 2 last year of being an only child

age 3 became a big sister and we moved from VA to MO

age 4 still allowing me to put ribbons and barrettes in her hair. Princess started preschool 3 half days a week,

age 5 I think this is about the age when wearing a dresses lost its appeal so it is pants from now on.

age 6 starting to lose her baby teeth

age 7 the year we started to home school and we moved to England

age 8 school assignment in the kitchen

age 9 now in full dragon obsession

Happy 10th Birthday Princess, we LOVE you!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Princess!!! Have a wonderful day.

  2. What a lovely chronicle and gorgeous girl! Time seems to fly i know!

  3. Aww, beautiful pictures! Happy Birthday xx

  4. Happy 10th birthday to your girl! My Lilly will be 10 pretty soon too.

  5. I hope you sweet Princess had a very Happy 10th Birthday. Loved the pictures; she is so adorab.e
    Blessings to you for sharing the sweet pictures.

  6. They grow up so fast. I am a new follower from Hip Homeschool Hop.

  7. Happy (belated) birthday to your beautiful Princess! I hope she had a wonderful 10th birthday, big milestone! I enjoyed the pictures! Clicked a vote for you! :)

  8. Happy birthday! Why did being overdue make her blue? I only had one of my kids go past her due date, a full 11 days and she was the healthiest of all my babies. She also acted more like a 3 month old. My friend went two weeks late also and it ended up that her daughter had been "breathing" in merconium for sometime. It was not good and she had a stroke and almost died. Aren't I just the most cheerful commenter ever?!?!?

  9. HI Maureen,
    she had blue hands and feet because her blood circulation was compromised...she had the umbilical wrap around her neck and she too swallow merconiuum during emergency C-Section. Thankfully she was the healthiest baby in the NICU. Not your wonderful birth story you see on the the Baby show:)

  10. Happy Birthday! Such cute photos! We celebrated a 10th birthday this month, too!

  11. Oh talk about pass the tissues! My son will be 10 on the 23rd of this month. And I don't know if I'm ready. It seems like yesterday we were bundling him up in the hospital bassinet. Now he is almost as tall as I am. I suppose time really does fly when you're having fun. I know you are enjoying the blessing of each new year together with your sweet daughter. Love. It's what makes our world go round, isn't it? Smiles -
