
Friday 20 January 2012

Forest School--The Wild Place

The kids and I participate monthly in a Forest school at a local park with a British home schooling group. Every time we go we are helping the park ranger with his many tasks. Last time we attended we help to coppice hazel trees and you can read about it here. This time we were doing a few different things to get the park ready for spring.

Our first task was to bring in some mulch and to spread it out in the designated area.

next the children worked on cutting down logs to add to the fire log pile

Both children love trying their hand at this and were so excited when they were able to chop the wood in half:)

Then they stacked the wood

Then they stacked the wood

Next we worked on cutting limbs off wood and got to work building some dens in the woods

After all that hard work it was time for lunch. Hot soup made over a fire along with bread, tea and hot cocoa.

After lunch it was time for the kids to play and have some fun!

I am linking this up to the Home school Field trip hop


  1. Stopping by from Field Trip Hop! That is so awesome what your kids got to do - I love this blog hop for field trips, gives me GREAT ideas!!! Thanks for sharing.


  2. what a great service opportunity! Love it. Thanks for linking up at FTF!

  3. That looks seriously fun! I am always impressed by the opportunities you find for your children to participate in!

  4. Lunch always looks better when served over an open fire. We have snow on the ground and freezing temperatures, so your photos really made me long for our days of camping.

    Visiting you from the Hip Homeschool Moms blog hop - glad to have found your blog!

  5. What a lot of fun, this just looks great!!

  6. It looks like a lot of fun and work.
    I see everyone is wearing coats---not sure I could work out in the cold. My body does not take cold well at all.

  7. This looks like a lot of fun! What a great thing to be able to do!
    Visiting from the Hop!

  8. That is just such a great program! I wish we had something similar here. Of course, every time we met, it would be raining probably, so it might not be so much fun here....
