
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Birthday trip

Rather than having birthday parties for our children we instead do a family outing of the children's choice. Princess's birthday was this weekend and she wanted to see the show the Lion King in London. It was amazing!

This theater is dedicated to showing the Lion King every day for I don't know how long. I am sure they spent quite a bit to get the stage ready for the show...but it was worth it

We were quite a ways from the stage as theater prices are ridiculously high in London. But on the seats we could rent a small pair of binoculars if we wanted to see the performers better. To be honest we didn't need them although the kids like looking thru them. We got there early but by show time the place was packed!

Enjoying the intermission. This show was about 2.5 hours long. Little Man was getting a bit restless towards the end but he manage to make it thru till the end. Both kids loved the music and seeing the performances.

After wards we headed to the Rain Forest Cafe for dinner. Princess has picked this restaurant every year for past last 3 years:) for her birthday dinner. The kids really enjoy the surroundings.

Meeting Cha Cha at the Rainforest cafe

Having her ice cream birthday dessert. We had cake waiting at home:)

It had been in the plans that we would stay in London all week to see the sites as my Husband had a conference there. But that did not work out, at the very last moment the trip was cancelled:(. However Princess enjoyed her Birthday celebration and trip into London as did the rest of the family.

I am linking this post up to the Home school Field Trip Hop


  1. Oh man, I LOVE the Lion King; I saw it on Broadway about 13 years ago. Totally awesome!!! What a good treat!!!!

    And I'm so totally jealous. We had a Rainforest Cafe in Seattle, and we loved going. There isn't one anywhere around us here in AL...

    What a great way to spend the day: lasting memories and family fun!!!

  2. Sounds like a really great birthday and fun time for everyone.

  3. Okay, that theatre picture makes me dizzy just looking at it. I don't think I could have sat there without feeling vertigo the whole time. Glad you had fun! We love the Rainforest Cafe also.

  4. That looks like a great birthday treat with fun entertainment and food! Glad you had another memorable birthday time! Clicked a vote for you!

  5. What an awesome birthday! :-)
