
Friday 2 December 2011

Portugal Day 2

Continuing with our holiday we awoke to find that most of Portugal was on strike. Before leaving the the hotel we asked where the protesters were planning to be in the hopes of some how avoiding them while we explored the city. We were told that the protesters were planning a huge rally in the afternoon so we jump in a taxi and headed out to a another neighborhood mentioned in our guide books.

Cable cars parked because of the strike:(

Gateway onto one of the side streets

Same gateway and I was wondering if the car would fit thru. It did but just barely:)

Elevador de Santa Justa is a Neo-Gothic lift built in the early 20th century.

View from the elevator and I think this is the only family picture taken of all of us on this trip:).

Another view of the city from the top of the elevator.

A walk way at the top of the elevator takes you to the burnt ruins of the Carmo church. This church was destroyed during the 1755 earthquake and left as a reminder of the devastation of that event.

Around mid day we started to see signs lining the square about the strike and more and more people gathering in the city square.

Strikers gathering

TV crews filming and a few police offers starting to show up.

Pretty much at this point we decided it was time to get out of Dodge as they say. The kids were tired of walking, and if you haven't guessed already Lisbon is a very hilly place and those cobble streets are pretty hard on your knees so we headed for a open top tourist bus to take us around the area. We all enjoyed listening to the history of Lisbon and seeing even more tile work and the archetiture style of the city.

Down town train station

City prison

Colorful neighborhood

Tiles on buildings

This is a partial picture of the President's House, the guards posted outside.

I am linking this post up to the Home school Field trip hop


  1. WOW - how blessed are you all to visit such beautiful places on our Earth! Looks amazing, even the strike! lol

  2. You are having such an interesting trip already! Love those beautiful old buildings!

  3. The city prison certainly doesn't look like a typical prison! Such interesting character there....I've really enjoyed your pictures!

    Stopping by from the field trip Friday blog hop.


  4. Wow! What a beautiful place! Even the prison was beautiful. Sad about the strike, but what a great adventure!

  5. Hi Anne-Marie. The buildings are amazing. I could look at them all day. Glad to hear you were able to avoid the crowds.

  6. Such beautiful sights and buildings! What an adventure with strike and all! Thanks for sharing! Clicked a vote for you :)

  7. We live in a very Portugal influenced area of the's interesting to see some overlap in your pictures to some spots here. I love learning new cultures...

    ...danielle - raising little rhodies

  8. Found you through the "no ordinary bh" You are an OT? I have 2 girls with Sn so fine motor skills is something we work on all the time!
    What a fun family outing. Will you go to Spain too? (Maybe you have already, I should go look) I was in Spain many years ago and fell in love. Enjoy the sights!

  9. wow! I am always so envious of the cool places you guys go on field trips, I'm seriously trying to convince DH to take us to UK next tour! :D Thanks for linking up!

  10. Sorry to sound like an idiot, but why were they on strike? And why did the tourist buses still run, but not the cable cars?

  11. Wow the architecture of those buildings is beautiful! What a neat opportunity! Thanks for sharing with NOBH. :)

  12. I've never been to Portugal, but I'd love to see it! Glad you didn't have any problems with strikers and police clashes or anything of the sort!

  13. I guess you can say you had a very "authentic" experience--not every tourist gets to witness a strike! :-)
