
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Portugal Day 1

Our first day in Lisbon we went visit the neighborhood of Alfama. While there we toured the Castelo de Sao Jorge. This citadel built in 1100's was turned into a residence for the Portuguese Kings in 1511 by Manuel I. It was partially destroyed during the 1755 earthquake and then partially rebuilt in 1938 but not authentically.

View of the Castelo from the Alfama neighborhood. We took a cab to the gates of the Santa Cruz neighborhood which is within the walls of the castles.

Santa Cruz street leading up to the castle, very narrow cobble stone streets.

Walls outside the castle

Defensive positions along the walls from a later period

King Afonso the First who successfully took Portugal back from the Moors in the 12th century.

This gentleman was playing Portuguese music in the ruined court yard of the palace.

The walk way along the Battlements

View of the city from the castle walls

I am linking this post up to the Home school Field trip hop:)!


  1. How beautiful! Portugal just made a bump up on our "must see soon" list! I can't wait to hear more! :)

  2. It's interesting to hear where the original names of places in my neck of the woods come from. Looks like an awesome site to visit.

  3. I want to go there now! Beautiful city view from the castle.

  4. Another fun adventure I see! I loved the pictures and you are a world traveler for sure. What a great time for your family.
    Blessings to you and keep on enjoying the moments and I will follow along.

  5. How beautiful! I'm jealous! :)

  6. Love all your photos and adventures and I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like to travel so much. My son begs everyday to go on his first plane ride, but who knows when this opportunity will come along. If you come back to the states, I'll just have you pack him in your suitcase so he can enjoy all the adventures with you (well, I would want the whole family to join too :) ) Love the walk along the Battlements should get that one framed!

  7. Tracy,
    I hope your son gets his wish to ride on a plane one day. We are truly a blessed getting to do all this traveling.

  8. What a beautiful place! Portuguese is an interesting language. There is a big Brazilian population here. I always though Portuguese would sound like Spanish, as it is right next door to Spain. Instead, it sounds more like French to me. All I know is that I am not able to communicate whatsoever with my Brazilian maid (her son speaks English and she speaks a tiny bit of English, else we'd not be able to communicate at all), like I can with Hispanics.

  9. again, jealous ;) Love it. Thanks for linking up!
