
Monday 5 December 2011

Portugal Day 3

On this day we visited Mosteiro dos Jeronimos. This is one of the best preserved monasteries I have ever had the privilege to visit. The architecture of this monastery is known as Manueline and the building was begun in the 15th century, paid for by a tax levied on spices, which is why it's also known as "The Pepper Monastery". The Monastery was in continuous use until 1834.

Outside of this massive Monastery

Inside the cloister which was completed in 1544 and is in fantastic condition.

Refectory along the Cloisters

There were many stone carvings throughout the Refectory, so detailed and in great condition.

Confessionals - since we are not Roman Catholic we had a great discussion with the kids on the purpose of these rooms

Inside the confessional room

The Monastery had a whole hallway full of confessionals, I counted 14. My husband joked that since Lisbon was a huge sea faring port during this period there were probably many men who needed to confess their sins upon arriving in Lisbon, hence the need for so many confessional in one location:)

Inside the Monastery from the balcony

Up close view of the altar

We found Vasco da Gama tomb -- my children and I have not studied him but I do plan too very soon. In 1498 Vasco Da Gama sailed around Cape Good Hope and opened the sea route to India. He is revered in Portugal as much as Lewis and Clark is in the US.

Tomb of King Sebastiao which stands empty as his remains were never returned to Lisbon after the battle of 1578.

We spent all morning at this Monastery and I felt truly at peace in this great place. The Monastery was classified as a world Heritage site in 1983.

I am linking this post up to the Home school Field trip hop


  1. That is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I had no idea that place existed.

  2. Love all your photos! You know what would be sweet? maybe at the end of Portugal you could write a top 10 favorite places or photos from your trip!

  3. Simply beautiful! Your photography skills continue to get better and better, the longer you blog. You've gone from good to stunning with your photos!

  4. I want to go and visit-stunning. I am a new follower from Hip Homeschool Hop.

  5. Now THAT'S a field trip! This beats a trip to Krispy Kream even...

    Our family heritage on my husbands side goes all the way back to Portuguese royalty (but so far we haven't seen any money or been asked to serve on the throne...) My mother-in-law has been several times and someday I hope to visit.

    I'm loving your tour!

    Sara (new to NOBH)

  6. Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing with us over at NOBH!

  7. Fantastic! Isn't it amazing that things built so long ago can be in such amazing condition? Wonderful pictures!

  8. What a neat site to get to visit! I love the explanation of your husbands as to the number of confessionals!

  9. Wow what a trip. Very cool.

    Visiting from

  10. What an adventure your family is having! Your kids are going to have so many amazing memories!

    Great photos, too!

  11. Beautiful! Thank you for bringing a little bit of the world to us!

  12. Absolutely beautiful building! (Just trying to catch up with your wonderful blogs!!)

  13. Love the architecture! I took an art history class a long time ago and the architecture was one thing that just amazed me, would love to see buildings like these in person! Thanks for linking up to FTF!!
