
Monday 28 November 2011

Holiday in Lisbon, Portugal - Part 1

This Thanksgiving our family decided to fly to the Continent for the holiday. We love exploring new places and going to Portugal was on my list of places I wanted to visit. So we packed our suitcases and headed to Lisbon.

Once there I realized that I really don't know much about the history of Portugal. I didn't realize that there was an massive earthquake in 1755 that destroyed most of Lisbon and it needed to be rebuilt. I also realized that I didn't know much about Portugal maritime history and Age of Discovery. So for the whole family there was a lot of learning happening on this trip which I will go into in another post:).

For this post I am going to concentrate on the architectural style of the city. Tiles are very prominent throughout the city, on shops, homes, bus stops, palaces, pretty much everywhere you look. Portugal is known for the blue and white tiles know as "Azulejos." Black and white cobble stone streets and sidewalks were everywhere and many had pretty designs. Here are a few of my favorites tiled building and cobble stone streets.

I am linking this post to the Home school Field trip hop


  1. Oh My Anna-Marie..I LOVE these pictures. They go perfectly on the unit we are studying on Columbus in Beautiful Feet.

    We are studying about the port in Lisbon..go figure! Mmm, we are able to take field trip via your

    Love them

  2. Beautiful tiles! Can't wait until the next post!

  3. Okay, I was thinking, "Yawn, Portugal, who wants to go to Portugal and why?!?!" Then your photos convinced me otherwise! I love the architecture and I'm not an "architecture person"! Actually I know nothing about Portugal except that a little British girl (Madeline????) went missing from there when her parents left her alone in a hotel room and it seemed like the Portuguese police wanted to portray the mother as some crazy murderer and were going to arrest her, so I always thought Portugal seemed like a place I wouldn't want to go to. I'm also nervous about visiting Italy after the Amanda Knox fiasco...I guess I prefer countries where you are "innocent until proven guilty" and can't be jailed for a length of time w/o due cause and all that jazz...

  4. WOW!!! I can't wait to read the rest of the posts!!!

  5. Your post really cool and interesting. Thanks very much. logeren bij Vlamingen in Portugal
