
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Art glass work shop

A while ago my children took a art class at a glass studio and we just got our lovely creations back from the firing. Princess had done this once before and enjoyed it so much she wanted to sign up again and do another piece. This time the ladies running the studios agreed to let Little man have a try.

First the kids had to decide on a pattern for the pieces.

Little man chose cars

Princess chose the Phoenix mythical bird

Next they cut out their paper designs.

The children began to use thin pieces of metal to recreate picture design. We had aluminum, brass, copper foil and a few other items to choose from.

The metal foil was then placed between two think pieces of glass.

Princess's before firing

Little Man's piece before firing

The results after firing

Princess also made a few smaller pieces to make necklaces.

If you would like to see more of this style of art work you can see our previous projects here.


  1. What amazing learning adventures you create! You are an inspiration, especially to moms who wonder about doing home schooling. Wish my kids were little again!

  2. These are just beautiful! Everyone did an awesome job making their creations! Clicked a vote for you! Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  3. It seems like that is a project that the kids have to be very patient for, with how many steps there are in the process. I especially like your daughter's necklace pieces. I think the smaller space actually exhibits the medium better, plus what a wonderful way to make homemade gifts!

  4. Very cool! I would LOVE to do this. (And I would bring the kids along, too.) LOL! What was the timeline for this project? How long does it take to cut out the metal and for the firing process?

  5. As usual another fantastic learning moment for your children. I loved the pictures and the project. You are such a good mother and home school er.
    I love your adventures!

  6. This is an fantastic learning of your kids, they are so talented.. I love it!

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  7. Wow! What a neat project! Thanks for sharing with NOBH.

  8. Those turned out so neat. Very creative!

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