
Monday 17 October 2011

Burwash Manor Apple day

This past Sunday we took the kids to Burwash Manor Apple Days where we got to see the making of real fresh apple juice using an old olive press.

First the apples are shredded into very tiny chunks

After shredding

Add shredded apples to press, filling all the way to the top

Add wood blocks and tighten crank. Can you see all the apple juice pouring out of the press already:)

Use hand crank to continue to push wooden blocks down into the press making more juice come out of the bottom

After filling a tug of fresh juice, strained it one again into another tub to make sure all seeds and whatever is out of the juice.

Pour fresh juice into containers and sell to the public. We brought one home and it was very good!

Clean up remove the wooden blocks and sides of barrel

That was all that was left of the apples placed into the tub, amazing. We were told some would go to the farmers pigs but most would go to to the compost pile as to much apple upsets the pigs bellies and causes the runs:)!

I am linking this post up to the Let's Hit the Road Field trip hop


  1. all sounded so yummy and autumnal - until the mention of piggies with the runs! ;-) Rebecca

  2. Fresh apple juice sounds delicious. It sounds like another wonderful adventure.

  3. Another wonderful tutorial on how they make apple juice. I love this one.I had a friend that had apples trees and they would make their own juice and of course share some of it with us.
    I love following your adventures!

  4. Oh, wow, I bet it smells so wonderful and apple-y there! What a great demonstration!

  5. And no one wants to be around pigs with the runs! I love apples, but usually don't like apple juice, which always seems thick and syrupy to me. I wonder if I would like English apple juice better, if they use different types of apples maybe? What are the popular apples there? I am assuming they get different types than here in WA?????

  6. How Fun,I would love to see that we did see how the big machines do it but this is old fashioned and more hands on.Great trip

  7. Yummy! And I'd love some apple-fed pork! Even more yummy!

  8. My 4 year old is always talking about making fresh apple juice...he would love a demonstration like this! Visiting from the Field Trip Friday Blog Hop!

  9. How interesting! Thanks for linking up!!
