
Friday 14 October 2011

Scuba Diving in Rhodes

Our final excursion outside our Hotel resort was a snorkeling and scuba diving trip. Princess and my husband have always wanted to try scuba diving and we were surprised to find out that in Greece children as young as 8 can go scuba diving with certain rules. While Little Man was too young to give this a try, he and I enjoyed snorkeling. While the Aegean Sea is by no means as pretty as the carribean with colorful corals and fish it is a nice place to try scuba diving for the first time.

Getting our instructions for safety

Little Man not to thrilled to be wearing the wet suit but he needed to wear it in order to float while snorkeling.

Princess practicing her water signs

The bay where we went snorkeling and scuba diving

My husband and daughter getting ready to go scuba diving for the first time.

Getting use to the equipment and the water

Practicing breathing with the scuba gear.

They had one instructor assigned to be within 2 or 3 feet of my daughter at all times while under water. Here they are getting their final instructions.

Princess was fearless, she couldn't wait to get below water!
I on the other hand was a nervous wreck watching her go under water!

Here the instructors are helping her get set for neutral buoyancy.

And she is under water. They went under for about 20 minutes and then rested a bit and went again about an hour later for another scuba dive. Princess loved it and wants to take lessons:)

After an exhausting day at sea we headed back to the Hotel to relax, by the pool:).

I am linking this post to Let's Hit the Road Field Trip Hop


  1. I wish I could comment on whether or not I agree with you the Aegean or Caribbean Sea being prettier, but I've never been to either. Gohan took scuba diving at a local pool when he was about 10. I don't think I would like it, it makes me feel claustrophobic just thinking about it.

  2. Granted, I'm not a claustrophobic type, but I can vouch that you really don't feel enclosed. It's almost the opposite feeling--you feel like you're floating weightless, like in a dream. The only time I was really conscious of the fact I was underwater was when I would look up and see the surface. I'm like Princess--I want to learn how to do it properly, and keep diving.

  3. I won't lie, the thought of scuba terrifies me! Looks like you guys had a GREAT Holiday...thanks for linking 'em all up at FTF!!

  4. My sister loves scuba diving and snorkeling. I would love to try it sometime.

    Your children are soooo cute, and your daughter looks more and more like you in every picture.

    Have a wonderful weekend Anna-Marie!

  5. What an exciting day! I don't think I would be brave enough to go under.

  6. What a wonderful trip you are having! Kudos to you for letting your children experience such wonder. This is something they (and you) will remember always. Smiles -

  7. It boards in front of the casino on the riverfront. Where were you in StL? I grew up in Brentwood.

  8. Love, love, love scuba diving! What a wonderful experience! My second son and my two youngest went scuba diving with me in Malta. I guess I didn't panic for them because I was so busy not panicking for me!

  9. Have never tried scuba-diving, but know those who do think it is great. Certainly looks as though you all had fun - worries aside that is. Great pictures.


  10. Sounds like lots of fun! I've never been snorkeling or scuba diving, but my kids got to try snorkeling and they loved it!

  11. Oceans are good for adventures, but what's underneath makes things more interesting. Once in our lives, we should definitely try scuba diving. It is quite an experience to swim with the fishes and experience the sight of the coral formations formed hundreds of years ago. But before you take a plunge, basic scuba diving lessons are necessary for your safety.

    Donna Parsley

  12. I'm so impressed by how you chronicle your adventures as a family. These moments are priceless, and every trip is, indeed, worth sharing. Princess was so brave to try scuba diving. It surely was a thrilling experience for a girl her age. How did the snorkeling go? I bet you and Little Man had a blast. :D

    -Darius Cartmell
