
Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Hubby holding an African Vulture

Children holding a Peregrine Falcon

My daughter's favorite bird of prey:)


  1. Totally awesome, though I might be a bit nervous to hold a vulture. There used to be some turkey vultures that would circle me when I was jogging in Gilroy, CA's extreme heat. I always wanted to yell at them, "I'm not dead, yet, you!" Then I learned that turkey vultures, while undoubtedly one of the world's ugliest birds, are actually very social and will "befriend" and visit people like that whether the person wants to be friends or not. :-)

  2. Awesome pictures! As usual I love your adventures.
    Blessings to you and keep on enjoying these sweet moments.

  3. Great pictures! We went to a presentation on birds of Prey a few years back at a local park and my son loved it! So I'm sure he would be right there with your family holding these fascinating creatures! Clicked a vote for you!

  4. Oooo! My kids would be SO jealous! I can't tell you how many time we went to the 'Birds of Prey' exhibit. And they NEVER got to actually hold one of the birds!!!
