
Sunday 24 April 2011

Eden Camp a WWII museum

On our second day in York we took the children to Eden Camp, which was a WWII prisoner of war camp during the 1940's. It had been converted to a museum in 1985. This was a fabulous exhibit on the history of the war.
Originally the camp had 40 cinder blocked buildings and each could hold up to 65 prisoners. Currently there are 29 buildings in use with each building exhibiting a specific aspect on the conflict. We learned so much while we were there. Here is just a few pictures of what we saw.

This was the typical food ration for an adult for the week.

Looking inside a home and seeing a Morrison shelter.

What the building looked like when Prisoners lived there. I was very surprised how much freedom they had, many agreed to be sent out to work for farmers locally. there were many stories on prisoners returning after the war and a documentation of their memories. One prisoner even married a local girl while at the prison.

What a street might look like after a bomb attack

During the black out everything including doors, windows, lamp posts, even cows were painted with reflector paint.

There was an very interesting building explaining the history and service of the the Bevin's boys. I had never heard of them before

Practicing using a Bren Gun, which was a British light machine gun used during the war. This was a very heavy weapon, can't imagine carrying it around during combat.

An interesting tidbit we found out was during the war all road signs were removed and stored the reason being that if there was a spy in the country they would have a harder time getting around:)

Interesting victory poster that I have never seen before.

We spent over 4 hours in this museum and we learned so much. It is a great place to learn more about the British war efforts. After the museum we decided to drive thru the Yorkshire Moors National Park. We saw amazing scenery just from the car that I thought I would share.

Natural site we found along the road. This occurred during the last ice age and is described as the Grand Canyon of England.

We were surprised to see this amazing castle from the road. Castle Howard, I will be checking it out the next time I am in York.

Two different stone gates we passed under along the road. I believe they are connected to the Castle but can't be sure.

Another stone wall leading to nowhere but I loved how the sun was hitting the stones.

Typical countryside picture. Looks so peaceful, doesn't it.

Please join Tracy, Lynda and myself at the NOBH.


  1. I love your pictures from Yorkshire. Isn't that where James Herriot was a vet? They look just like I picture it in my head.

  2. Sounds like a great trip! I don't think that food ration would hold me for a week!

    A cow painted with reflective that's a funny image!

  3. I enjoyed viewing the information and pictures of your trip. You really are have a wonderful adventure. The information was great.
    Blessings to you!

  4. Wow, this looks so educational, and a really cool place to visit. Too bad I'm "across the pond", lol.

  5. What another awesome adventure! I learn so much from your posts, but mostly I learn how much I don't know ;) The National Park pictures are breathtaking! I can only imagine what it was like to see the scenery in real life :) I clicked a vote for you and do so daily, but forget sometimes to tell you :) Have a blessed day!

  6. Happy Tuesday Anna-Marie! Stopping in to say HI and clicked a vote for you ! Have a blessed day!

  7. Hi Helpful Teacher,
    Yes this is where James Heriott worked as a vet. Glad the pictures confirmed the image in your head

  8. Hi Sparklee,
    I am going to be working on a WWII meal day soon. The kids are not looking forward to it but I think it will be fun to see what recipes we can find and stick to the ration of the day.

  9. Hi Leann
    Thanks so much for stopping by and continuing to support my blog. We are learning tons here.

  10. Hi Jen,
    There are so many educational opportunities here in England we are very very lucky.

  11. Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for your kind comments. I learn so many little tidbits of information that I didn't know, like the Bevin boys. I had never heard of them before but have since done quite a bit of research. It is always fun to learn new things I think:)

  12. You have the best trips!
    Can't wait to do WWII in our history lessons so we can go there :)

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