
Tuesday 26 April 2011

Watching our Garden Grow

We are continuing to participate in the Garden Challenge and it has been a month since I last posted on this subject, so it is time for a update. Since the children and I are studying WWII we are learning a about life during the War and food rationing. We decided to named our Gardens

First we got some scrap plywood out and painted it to better weather proof the wood. We used what paint we had on hand

Little Man decided to named our vegetable garden "Victory Garden" just like in the books we are reading on WWII

Princess decided she wanted to name the flower garden the "Dragon Garden"

Last Month the only thing we planted was our potato plants and they are doing so well

We should have a bumper crop if I can keep the bugs away.

Next we decided to try planting a few other items

We have planted broccoli, pumpkins, radishes, spring onions, carrots and lettuce.

For flowers we planted poppies, foxglove, Mexican Hats and Sweet Williams.

We put all our seeds into our mini hot house. I found this at a garden shop and am trying it out for the first time this year. I am noticing more seeds have made it to little sprouts than last year.

We going to try growing indoor mushrooms this year.

The plot where our vegetables will go once the seedlings are big enough!

Princess really wanted a Flower garden this year so she took on the responsibility for planting the flower garden with a little guidance. She did a great job.

We planted a few flower seeds in trays and are hoping to expand the flower garden this spring!

Join in the challenge, link up begin April 28th go here for more details!

Join Tracy, Lynda and I at the NOBH for the month of April. We have over 350 posts and are meeting lots of new bloggers. Hope to see you there!!


  1. The gardens look beautiful and I love the names your kids chose! Since my kids are taking a homeschool garden class once a week, all of us have been more into gardening and enjoying it. I hope to post about the garden my kids are doing with my in-laws soon! Clicked a vote for you and happy growing! :)

  2. Ohhh, I love foxglove, but have never gotten it to grow in my garden. It is a "weed" here too, how sad is that! I think it is supposed to only grow after two years or something of that sort, but it has been multiple years with multiple plantings...sigh...oh well, I do well with other flowers.

  3. It is so nice to see your son and daughter working together. I'm sure they have their moments, but they seem to enjoy doing things together. That is great, and your garden looks wonderful. Have a blessed day!

  4. We have also learned about "Victory Gardens" this year, but we haven't started one of our own. Yours sure is inspiring!

  5. Wow, I loved the garden you are making and it is even more impressive that your children are so involved. Thanks for sharing the ideas. I wish our weather here would allow gardening. I hope soon!
    Blessings to you!

  6. I planted my first garden this year. I am hoping it's a success, but it's a wait and see kind of thing. I only did a few things...jalapenos, pablenos, banana peppers, red and yellow bell peppers, tomatoes and watermelon just for fun.
    I'm not sure if any of it will grow, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  7. Happy Thursday! Hope you are having a great day or should I say, I hope you had a great one :) Just saying HI and clicked a vote for you!

  8. Hi Tracy,
    Can't wait to read about your garden when you post. my mother is a great gardener and I am finding I am enjoying it now where as when I was a child I wasn't so keen on it:) Incorporating into our studies I think helps the children:)

  9. Hi Maureen,
    I didn't know fox glove was a weed in some areas:(. I hope it doesn't take 2 years to grow my daughter doesn't have that kind of patience:)

  10. Hi Lynda,
    Pictures are deceiving we have plenty of arguments between them. But for the most part they do well:)

  11. Hi Learning Table,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting:)

  12. Hi LeAnn
    You are so kind and supportive with your comments:) Thank you

  13. Hi Melissa,
    I hope you are feeling better. Good luck with Tomato and peppers. I have tried growing both and have had no luck so I didn't try this year.:)

  14. Thats a good idea naming the beds.

  15. Hi Zonnah
    Thanks we were trying to do a tie in for our WWII studies.
