
Friday 22 April 2011

The Deep

My husband hasn't had any time off work for 6 months so when he came home on Friday and said he had gotten Monday and Tuesday off we packed up the car and headed out of town! We, my husband and I, being the home schooling parents that we are, decided to head somewhere where a bit of learning can be done but also allow for some relaxing time. Right now the children are studying the oceans so we thought a trip to The Deep in the town of Hull would be a great first stop!

The Deep is a large aquarium and had great exhibits starting back to the beginning of oceans and the first ocean animals all the way to conservation and research exhibits. The kids and my husband and I found many many useful tidbits of information. The exhibit on slime and its importance to living creatures (including humans) was fascinating:)

Of course there is a picture of Nemo and Marlin

My kids loved the riding glass elevator thru the aquarium. My daughter was fascinated with the saw fish which is what she is pointing at but the camera just missed it:)

Nautilus fascinated my son. We must have stood still for 5 minutes (record for my son) waiting to see if we could catch one swimming. Didn't happen but he went back to this exhibit several times hoping to catch one swimming.

Who doesn't love watching Jellyfish when they are behind glass!

The children's favorite fish. Little man loved the cow fish (I think that is what it was called) and Princess loved the Hawaii state fish called Humuhumunukunukuapua`a and she quickly learned how to pronounce it (I still can't) and loves saying the name of the fish every chance she gets. It is a bit annoying:)

During the conservation part of the exhibit they had these art works hanging. I was amazed by what this artist found and what he did with it.

At first glance you think this is seaweed or straw but it is actually a small skeleton of a fish.

Sad but amazing at the same time.

After spending the morning exploring the deep and getting a little bit of knowledge we headed off to visit the City of York. I have to say it is one of my favorite cities in England so far. We have been 3 or 4 times. I love how the old and new seems to merge together throughout the town. It is just beautiful.
I love driving into York, this is one of the many gated entrances to the city.

Driving along the road outside the city wall. The hill side was covered with yellow daffodils. So pretty.

City park amongst the ruins of a monastery. Just breathtaking. A favorite picnic spot it appears.

One of the staircases to take you on top of the Roman walls along the the city. This one is very near a large traffic intersection so cars are whizzing by.

I believe there is over two miles of Roman wall you can walk on, we only did a fraction of it this day as it was late and the kids were getting tired.

On our way back to the car we found this sign which we had not seen before.

I haven't heard of this before so I need to look it up.

Please join Tracy, Lynda and I at the No Ordinary Blog hop this month. We enjoy reading your post and getting to know you:)


  1. WOW! You have always got the BEST photos and field trips! Awesome share. Thanks again for being my guest this week. Have a wonderful Easter!

  2. Absolutely wonderful photos! It is sad about the trash, but he has been able to make it beautiful in two ways, in his art and the fact it is no longer in the ocean. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures. My son loved the photos too.

  3. Great field trip! Sounds like a wonderful learning opportunity.

  4. I love following your adventures. This trip was awesome and I enjoyed all of the pictures and explanations. Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings to you!

  5. Your trips are always soooo amazing!!! I love seeing all the pictures. I want to enroll in your homeschool;)


  6. What a great trip! How blessed you are to live somewhere with so much history. We are traveling to Europe in August and I am absolutely giddy about all the historical places and culture our children will be exposed to. Thank you for sharing!

  7. What fun adventures for your and kids and YOU and your husband! I am hopping over from NOBH for the first time, and I am wondering if you are from the UK or have immigrated there? Thanks for sharing your adventures!

  8. Sounds like a great trip! I'm jealous of all the fun places you're able to go.

  9. Amazing photos Anna-Marie, once again! I really want to pack up a suitcase and go on all your adventures. My children would love the aquarium and the elevator :) Love the art work. Your York trip looked fascinating too! Clicked votes for you just didn't comment each time! Have a blessed Easter!

  10. Hi Robin,
    Thanks for letting me do a guest post it was a lot of fun:)

  11. Hi Lynda,
    I thought the art work was amazing, but it also made me sad at all the pollution found on the beaches.

  12. Hi Miss Moe,
    thanks for stopping by and commenting

  13. Hi Leann,
    Thank you for you very kind words and for stopping by:)

  14. Hi Renita,
    Thanks we try to do a lot and tie it all in to school without the kids realizing it. :)

  15. Hi Faith,
    I hope you have a great trip to Europe this summer it is so rich with history. I just love it!

  16. Hi Lindsey,
    We are only here for 5 years. Been here 2 years and have 3 to go. We are enjoying it so much:)

  17. Hi Sarah,
    I have to pinch myself some days:) It has been a wonderful opportunity for our family

  18. Hi Tracy,
    You need to bring the family and come visit:) Now that spring is here we should be getting out and traveling a lot more. You never know what you are going to find next:)

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