
Thursday 3 February 2011

Stained Glass at Ely

We spent a afternoon at Ely cathedral and in their Stained Glass museum. I love Stained Glass so I was in heaven to see the oldest to newest pieces of stained glass. I have taken Stain glass classes in the past and have made a few windows of my own. Since having my children I haven't had many opportunities to do my hobby.

This one is as old at the 1200's. It was part of a much larger window but this is all that is left of it. Do you know the purpose of the stain glass windows in the church? They were used to tell the illiterate the story of the bible or important historical facts of the era. Since many could not read the windows were used to capture the story.

Some of the many wonderful windows we saw in the museum.
During England's reformation and Civil War many churches were destroyed along with many wonderful stain glass windows. In fact the art of Stain glass completely died out in England during the late 1600 and was reintroduced during the Victorian era.

After hearing a brief lecture on how stain glass was done during the Victorian age the children....

...were ask to create their own stained glass window.

Next they were asked to construct a simple window. I should say we were not allowed to keep these, as they are used for other school groups. This activity gave the children a sense of how to build a window using lead channels.

Lastly we did a scavenger hunt and tried to find many hidden symbols in the stained glass windows at the museum.

We had a lovely visit and I want to go back. I also discovered they do classes there so I just might sign up and re awaken my creative side:)!


  1. These windows look beautiful and I would love to see something like this, especially the window that was made in the 1200s! My dad has made several stained glass windows himself. It's such a beautiful art form and I hope you are able to pick up this hobby again and get into classes! Thanks for sharing about another fun and educational field trip :) Voted for you!

  2. Hi, I just found your blog through Jen at Forever, For Always, No Matter What and I'm so happy I did! Those pictures of stained glass are gorgeous! The only stained glass museum (it's really a hallway) that I'm aware of in my area is at Navy Pier in Chicago. It's amazingly beautiful. That's an extraordinary talent! I look forward to following you and NOPH.

  3. Hi Tracy, Your Dad and I have something in common. I worked in a stain glass studio for a few years and loved it my most prized possession is my Tiffany lamp that I made. Took me one year to complete and I love it:) Do you have any of his pieces in your house?

  4. Hi Noreen,
    Thanks for stopping by and following and I am following back. Looks like you were hammered with all the snow this week, glad one of your doors wasn't snowed in:) Looking forward to reading more of your blogs:)

  5. I love stained glass windows. They are so beautiful! Thanks for following Mommy Time Out

  6. Great post Anna-Marie. When I was younger there was a program on PBS about stained glass art. I never really got into it because I was afraid of cutting myself up. (Then I became a cosmetologist and nearly cut my fingers off. lol)

    Thank you for sharing another great outing. I voted for you.

  7. Hi Angela
    Thanks for following back

  8. Hi Lynda,
    I have never had an injury from stain glass except small little cuts. But it has been 6 years since I done any work on glass. I would like to get back into it one day.

  9. Thanks so much for following our blog! I'm following back! This cathedral looks amazing!!

  10. Beautiful! You do a great job finding interesting educational experiences for your kids.

  11. Hi Renee Ann
    We love going to museums and in the UK they have lots of hands on childrens activities.
