
Saturday 5 February 2011

Rock Wall Climbing

I just found out the base gym has a Rock wall in their gymnasium and it is open on Thursday evening for use for free. There is a instructor there to assist anyone who has never done this activity before. Since we are already on base Thursday evening for my daughter's girl scout meeting we headed over to see what it was about.

First came the rules and instructions for those of us who were beginners.

Next we put on the harness belt.

Next the kids tried to go across a wall. Here we discovered just how much our PE program needs to improve at home. My children did not have the leg or arm strength to do this.

Next the children got to tried the ropes. Little Man very brave and climb upright. Princess was a bit more apprehensive about it and only went half way before getting stuck. By that I mean refusing to move up or down. Luckily the instructor was very patient and was finally able to talk her down.

I think Little Man found the jumping down the best part. He made several climbs before claiming he was tired.

Princess, overcame her fear, went up several more times and eventually got the handle of repelling back down the wall.

The kids had a great time and we will be going back to try again very soon.

Please join Tracy, Lynda and I at

for the entire month of February. Look forward to seeing you there:)


  1. Ahh, rock climbing! Such a great sport, yet I have such mixed emotions about it. When I was in college, I went to Joshua Tree with a group. I was the one that got half way up and needed to be lowered down. I have never been more afraid! I used to think I wasn't afraid of heights, but learned otherwise. Since then, my kids have tried rock climbing at indoor places, but it hasn't gone over well... Those kids I know that do it regularly, however, really develop some major muscles!

  2. I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading all your posts. I particularly loved the Victorian field trip- what an fantastic experience for you and your children. We have done similar things where we live and the kids really learn so much! Thank you for sharing.

  3. This looks like fun! My kids have never experienced rock wall climbing and I'm thinking they wouldn't have the upper body strength either! Glad you can enjoy this activity for free too! Clicked a vote for you :)

  4. That is a great sport for children. The instructors are very good about the safety for kids. I hope you get to go often. I wish we had something like that near us. (Though my son and I have a fear of heights, I found this sport very cathartic.)

    Have a great weekend! I voted for you.

  5. That looks like a lot of fun. I was just thinking about searching out a place to try this with our kids. I think we are in a couple weeks when we visit Tennessee again.

  6. Hi Maureen,
    MY daughter had a hard time with the height and froze on the wall twice:) My son just thought it was the coolest thing. I will be taking them back to try again, good PE activity

  7. Faith,
    Thank you for your very kind comments:) I love doing living history and since moving to England there is so many wonderful places to explore. In another few weeks we will be going to a different Victorian museum in York.

  8. Hi Tracy,
    Yes I got a real eye opener with their lack of upper body strength. I am not so good with doing things with the kids for PE at home other than their swimming and Horse riding lessons.

  9. Hi Lynda,
    I just found out about it and we have lived here two years. I couldn't believe it was free. I hope to take the children again next week. We missed it this week.

  10. Hi Mommy Kuehner,
    Hope you and your children get a chance to try rock wall climbing it was a lot of fun.

  11. Oh wow! I got to try rock climbing once in my life so far and it was one of these wall things. The first time I went up, I almost made it to the top, but my arms hurt too much (not a lot of upper body strength :() Then, the second time i went up, I was blindfolded and my classmates had to tell me where to go. That was so much fun.

  12. AubrieAnne you climbed a rock wall blind folded that is impressive. Don't think my kiddos are ready for that:) We are going back this week to try again. The more we practice the better we get:)

  13. My son is a big fan of rock climbing. I've been meaning to get him in a rock climbing and ropes class at our local YMCA but to date, the classes conflict with other obligations. It's a great confidence builder and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

  14. Following from the blog hop!
    Looks like a great time. I wish I could gather the strength and nerve to do it. I have extreme fear of heights.

  15. Hello I am a new follow from the blog hop.Would love a follow back at

  16. I am over her voting for you today. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. =)

    Hubby is home now right?

  17. HI Noreen
    Hope your schedule opens up and bit and you can get your son in a rock climbing class my kids loved it once they got over the fear:)

  18. Day 2 Day living and 3 Giggly Monsters
    Thanks for following and I am following back

  19. Hi Lynda,
    Yes my husband is back and we had a great weekend together. But now it is back to the work schedule:) Hope you had a good weekend with your family.

  20. Hi! Stopping by from Hip Homeschool Hop - I would love to rock climb sometime! DS14 had done it at the Y but that's about it for us. Blessings!
